Clinical Trial Data Commons (CTDC) Terminology Files

The Clinical Trial Data Commons (CTDC) is a resource provided by the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) to aggregate and publicly share data generated by clinical trials. The CTDC Terminology is a set of terms used in the CTDC data dictionary and data model, which is divided into four subsets that capture high level key clinical trial entities (Nodes), clinical trial attributes (Properties), attribute values (Values) and node/attribute relationships (Relationships).

This subset is available for download from this NCI EVS ftp site in two formats:
CTDC_Terminology.xls (Microsoft Excel 2003)*

Each file has the following column headers on the first row:

Spreadsheet Column Content Description
Subset Code The NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) concept code attached to the CTDC concept. NCIt Codes are unique strings that begin with a C and are followed by a series of digits.
Subset Name The name of the CTDC Terminology subset.
Concept Code The NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) concept code attached to the concept.
NCIt Preferred Term (PT) The preferred term chosen by the NCIt staff that unambiguously describes the concept.
NCIt Definition A text definition of the term created by subject matter experts at the NCIt.
CTDC PT The label used in the CTDC data model for the concept.
CTDC Display Name (DN) The label for the concept in the CTDC user interface (UI).
CTDC Synonym(s) Terms that are synonymous with the CTDC Preferred Term.
Has CTDC Value Code The NCIt code(s) that is an acceptable value for a CTDC attribute (Property).
CTDC PT for Has CTDC Value The CTDC PT for the concept(s) that is an acceptable value for a CTDC attribute (Property).

Also included on the NCI EVS ftp site are the following additional files:

About (This file.)
Changes (A text file of changes between the most recent and the current version of the CTDC terminology subset. For each change record, the Changes.txt contains a complete row of tab delimited data with the same data elements as described above. An "A" will precede any new concept additions, a "C" will precede any modification to existing concepts, and a "D" will precede any concepts that have been deleted.)
Version (A text file that contains the version of NCI Thesaurus that corresponds to the current spreadsheet data. The database is reconciled the last Monday of every month. The files will be posted during the following two weeks. The version appears as YR.MOweek. An example is 20.06d which corresponds to the year 2020, the month of June, and the "d" refers to the fourth Monday of the month.)

Archived files are available at: Archive, a Directory of dated release versions.
N.B.: If there are no changes to the data for a particular month, the files will not be reposted.
Help requests non these files should go to