D C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C3261 Metastatic Neoplasm A tumor that has spread from its original (primary) site of growth to another site, close to or distant from the primary site. Metastasis is characteristic of advanced malignancies, but in rare instances can be seen in neoplasms lacking malignant morphology. Metastatic A C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C40557 Metastatic Lesion A tumor arising at a location distant to the primary lesion. Metastatic C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C174125 Neoplastic Disease Extent Indicator An indication of whether a neoplastic disease has extended beyond its anatomic site of origin. extent_of_disease extent of disease C40557 || C4798 || C8524 Metastatic || Recurrent || Locally advanced