Pediatric Oncology Molecular Target Terminology Files

The Pediatric Oncology Molecular Target Terminology contains a set of terms in NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) that represent potential treatment targets for pediatric oncology based on recent amendments to guidance from the FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) for Pediatric Oncology.

See: FDARA Implementation Guidance for Pediatric Studies of Molecularly Targeted Oncology Drugs: Amendments to Sec. 505B of the FD&C Act, for Industry.

Files available for download: Pediatric_Oncology_Molecular_Target_Terminology.xls

There are tabs in the file corresponding to:
1. Genes-Proteins (Pediatric Oncology Target Genes/Proteins Terminology)
2. Molecular Abnormalities (Pediatric Oncology Target Molecular Abnormalities Terminology)
3. Lineage Determinants (Pediatric Oncology Target Cell Lineage Determinant Terminology)
4. Immunotherapy Targets (Pediatric Oncology Immunotherapeutic Target Terminology)
5. Other Targets (Pediatric Oncology Targets Associated with Other Relevant Evidence Terminology)

Each tab has the following column headers on the first row:

Spreadsheet Column Content Description
Subset Code The NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) for the Pediatric Oncology Molecular Target Terminology subset contained therein. NCIt Codes are unique strings that begin with a C and are followed by a series of digits.
Subset Name The name of the terminology subset.
NCIt Code The NCIt concept code attached to the NCIt concept.
NCI Preferred Term The preferred term (PT) chosen by the NCIt staff that unambiguously describes the concept.
NCI Synonym A term that is synonymous with the preferred term. If multiple synonyms are present, they are separated by double pipes (||).
NCI Definition A text definition of the term created by subject matter experts at the NCIt.

Tab 2, Molecular Abnormalities, also includes two additional column headers:

Spreadsheet Column Content Description
Molecular Abnormality Involves Gene The Preferred Term (PT) for a gene concept that is directly related to a molecular abnormality. This data includes inferred relationships. If multiple related genes exist, they are separated by double pipes (||).
Related To Genetic Biomarker The PT for a gene concept that is associated with molecular abnormality, lab test or finding. If multiple gene associations are present, they are separated by double pipes (||).

N.B.: If there are no changes to the data for a particular month, the files will not be reposted.
Also included on the NCI EVS ftp site Pediatric Oncology Molecular Target Terminology are the following additional files: About (This file) Changes.txt (A text file of changes between the last published and current versions of the Pediatric Oncology Molecular Target Terminology. For each change record, the Changes.txt contains a complete row of tab delimited data with the same data elements as described above. An A will precede any new concept additions, a C will precede any modification to existing concepts, and a D will precede any concepts that have been deleted.) Version.txt (A text file that contains the version of NCI Thesaurus that corresponds to the current spreadsheet data. The database is reconciled the last Monday of every month. The files will be posted during the following two weeks. The version appears as YR.MOweek. An example is 25.02d which corresponds to the year 2025, the month of February, and the "d" refers to the fourth Monday of the month.) Archived files are available at: Archives
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