C C12326 Undescended Testes Cryptorchidism Undescended Testes|Undescended Testicle|Undescended Testis The failure of one or both testes of a male fetus to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum during the late part of pregnancy. If not surgically corrected in early childhood, males may be at increased risk for testicular cancer later in life. The persistent failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum. C103185 Congenital Reproductive System Abnormality C27019 Male Reproductive System Disorder C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology C C34383 Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Anemia|Sickling Disorder due to Hemoglobin S A blood disorder characterized by the appearance of sickle-shaped red blood cells and anemia. An autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sickle-shaped erythrocytes, anemia, functional asplenia, and episodic acute and chronic organ toxicity due to vaso-occlusion. C3092 Hemoglobinopathy C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology C C26734 Congenital Hypothyroidism Congenital Hypothyroidism A deficiency of thyroid hormone present at birth. The etiology can be genetic or environmental, or a combination of both; treatment is based on severity and causality. Hypothyroidism, the cause of which is present at birth. C34816 Congenital Metabolic Disorder C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology C C26785 Goiter Goiter Enlargement of the thyroid gland usually caused by lack of iodine in the diet, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid nodules. Symptoms include difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Enlargement of the thyroid gland. C3009 Endocrine System Disorder C26836 Nutritional Disorder C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology C C34675 Hemoglobin C Disease Hemoglobin C Disease An autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy with a mild clinical course. Most patients are asymptomatic. When symptoms appear, they include mild hemolytic anemia and occasionally jaundice. An autosomal recessive disorder resulting from the production of hemoglobin C, secondary to an amino acid substitution of lysine for glutamic acid in the sixth position of the beta chain (E6K), and characterized by mild hemolytic anemia and occasionally jaundice, though most patients are asymptomatic. C3092 Hemoglobinopathy C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology C C81288 S-Beta Thalassemia S-Beta Thalassemia A disorder characterized by the body's inability to synthesize beta-globin chains, leading to the formation of abnormal hemoglobin and anemia. This inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder is caused by germline mutation of the HBB gene. A heterozygous state in which a person has a loss of function mutation in one beta globin allele together with a hemoglobin S allele. C35069 Thalassemia C89506 Newborn Screening Terminology