Change NCIt Code NCIt PT NICHD NRNT PT NICHD NRNT SY NCIt Definition NICHD Definition NCIt Code of NICHD Parent NICHD Parent PT NCIt Code of second NICHD Parent NICHD second Parent PT NCIt Code of NICHD Subset NICHD PT of NICHD Subset C C78743 Meconium Meconium The newborn's first intestinal discharge. It is a dark-green, thick substance composed of mucus, intestinal secretions, hair, and intestinal mucosa cells. C13236 Body Substance C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C110923 Chorioretinitis Chorioretinitis Inflammation of the distal posterior uveal tract (choroid) and its structural and vascular attachments to the retina. It is usually caused by infection and though rare, it is clinically significant due to its most serious sequela: loss of vision. C99208 Eye Finding C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C26715 Cellulitis Cellulitis Inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include erythema, edema, and pain to the affected area. C2890 Bacterial Disease C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C50759 Subdural Hemorrhage Subdural Hemorrhage Bleeding between the dura mater and the brain, usually secondary to a tear of the bridging vein. C50438 Intracranial Hemorrhage C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C50761 Subgaleal Hemorrhage Subgaleal Hemorrhage Bleeding between the scalp and the periosteum. C50438 Intracranial Hemorrhage C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C81311 Moro Reflex Moro Reflex An involuntary, primal response in the neonate to loud noise or the feeling of falling. The response is characterized by the infant's arms symmetrically spreading out to the side and then back to the midline, and involuntarily flexing the fingers and toes. C81181 Infant Reflex C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C87118 Sacral Dimple Sacral Dimple A small hollow area or sinus present at birth and located just above the crease of the buttocks. In most cases, pilonidal dimples are benign and may just be accompanied by increased hair growth in the area. C100104 Sign or Symptom C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C87169 High Pitched Cry High Pitched Cry An abnormally shrill or screeching vocalization made by infants that could possibly indicate the presence of one of an array of medical conditions or congenital syndromes. C100104 Sign or Symptom C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology