C C34786 Long QT Syndrome Long QT Syndrome A ventricular arrhythmia characterized by syncopal episodes and a long QT interval, sometimes leading to sudden death due to paroxysmal ventricular arrhythmia. This arrhythmia is associated with a prolongation of repolarization following depolarization of the cardiac ventricles. The prolongation of the Q-T interval combined with torsades de pointes manifests as several different forms; some may be acquired or congenital; some may lead to serious arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. C95834 Congenital Heart Disease C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C50799 Ventricular Fibrillation Ventricular Fibrillation An arrhythmia characterized by rapid, usually more than 300 bpm (cycle length: 180 ms or less), grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with marked variability in QRS cycle length, morphology, and amplitude. C26924 Ventricular Arrhythmia C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C50802 Ventricular Tachycardia Ventricular Tachycardia Pediatric Non-Congenital Ventricular Tachycardia An arrhythmia characterized by 3 or more consecutive complexes in duration emanating from the ventricles at a rate of greater than 100 bpm (cycle length: less than 600 ms). C26924 Ventricular Arrhythmia C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98541 Chronic Lung Disorder Chronic Lung Disease A persistent non-neoplastic disorder of the lungs. Representative examples include: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, atelectasis, radiation induced pneumonitis, and radiation fibrosis. Chronic lung disease (CLD) is a general term for long-term respiratory problems in premature babies. It is also known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).Chronic lung disease is a condition in which damaged tissue in a newborn baby's lungs causes breathing and health problems. The lungs trap air or collapse, fill with fluid, and produce extra mucus. C3198 Lung Disorder C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98816 APGAR Score at One Minute Apgar Score At 1 Minute The numerical sum between zero and ten that is computed from individual values of zero to two that are assigned to five different areas of interest in newborn screenings at one minute after birth. These areas are breathing, muscle tone, pulse rate, reflex irritability and skin color. C73437 APGAR Score C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98817 APGAR Score at Ten Minutes Apgar Score At 10 Minutes The numerical sum between zero and ten that is computed from individual values of zero to two that are assigned to five different areas of interest in newborn screenings at ten minutes after birth. These areas are breathing, muscle tone, pulse rate, reflex irritability and skin color. C73437 APGAR Score C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98819 APGAR Score at Fifteen Minutes Apgar Score At 15 Minutes The numerical sum between zero and ten that is computed from individual values of zero to two that are assigned to five different areas of interest in newborn screenings at fifteen minutes after birth. These areas are breathing, muscle tone, pulse rate, reflex irritability and skin color. C73437 APGAR Score C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98820 APGAR Score at Twenty Minutes Apgar Score At 20 Minutes The numerical sum between zero and ten that is computed from individual values of zero to two that are assigned to five different areas of interest in newborn screenings at twenty minutes after birth. These areas are breathing, muscle tone, pulse rate, reflex irritability and skin color. C73437 APGAR Score C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology C C98821 APGAR Score at Five Minutes Apgar Score At 5 Minutes The numerical sum between zero and ten that is computed from individual values of zero to two that are assigned to five different areas of interest in newborn screenings at five minutes after birth. These areas are breathing, muscle tone, pulse rate, reflex irritability and skin color. C73437 APGAR Score C99147 Neonatal Research Network Terminology