NCIt Code NCIt PT Subset PT Subset SY NCIt Definition Subset Definition NCIt Code of First Parent First Parent NCIt Code of Second Parent Second Parent NCIt Code of Subset PT of NICHD Subset Subset Antiquated PT Subset Antiquated SY C25445 Center Central A point or area that is approximately central within some larger region or structure. A point or area that is approximately central within some larger region or structure. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25353 Inferior Inferior In anatomy indicating lower than a given reference point. Pertaining to a point below a given reference point. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C27958 Nasal Nasal In reference to the nose. Of, or related to, or in the direction of the nose. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C37980 Inner Inner Inside or closer to the inside of the body or object. Inside or closer to the inside of the body or object. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C37936 Cranial Cranial Of or relating to the cranium. Toward the head in a body. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C90393 Hind Hind Of or involving the back of a main body. Of or involving the back of a main body. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25355 Upper Upper Higher in place or position; the topmost one of two. The top one of two. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C81170 Midline Midline A medial line, especially the medial line or medial plane of the body (or some part of the body). A medial line, especially the medial line or medial plane of the body (or some part of the body). (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C90376 Dorsolateral Dorsolateral Of or involving the back and side of a main body. Toward the back and side of a body. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25233 Peripheral Peripheral On or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area. On or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25232 Medial Medial Toward the middle or inside (as opposed to lateral). Toward the middle or in a limb toward the median plane. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25231 Anterior Anterior Denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another. Denoting the front portion of the body or a structure. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25237 Distal Distal Situated farthest from a point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone; or directed away from the midline of the body. Situated farthest from a point of reference. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25423 Apical Apical Relating to or located at the tip (an apex). Relating to or located at the apex. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25236 Proximal Proximal Situated nearest to a point of attachment or origin. Situated nearest to a point of reference. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25235 Superior Superior In anatomy indicating higher than a given reference point. Pertaining to a point above a given reference point. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C90067 Basal Basal The lowest layer of a structure. Relating to or located at the lowest portion of a structure. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C90069 Tip Tip The pointed end of a linear structure. The pointed end of a structure. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C73851 Caudal Caudal Constituting or relating to a tail; situated near the tail. Toward the tail in a body. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C38166 Outer Outer Being on or toward the outside of the body or object. Being on or toward the outside of the body or object. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25309 Lower Lower The bottom one of two. The bottom one of two. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C45874 Dorsal Dorsal Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body; opposite of ventral. Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C45875 Ventral Ventral Pertaining to the underside or lower surface of the body; opposite of dorsal. Pertaining to the front or lower surface of the body. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C90386 Fore Fore Of or involving the front of a main body. Of or involving the front of a main body. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25622 Posterior Posterior Denoting the back surface of the body; at or near the hind end in quadrupeds or toward the spine in primates. Denoting the back portion of the body or a structure. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25240 Deep Deep Extending relatively far inward. Extending relatively far inward. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25245 Surface Surface The extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object. The extended two-dimensional outer layer or area of a three-dimensional object. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C117754 Temporal Anatomic Qualifier Temporal Of, or related to, anatomic sites that are located in the cranium, brain, and eye. Of, or related to, anatomic sites that are located in the cranium, brain, and eye. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C25239 Superficial Superficial Of little substance or significance; involving only a surface. Of or pertaining to the exterior surface. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C73705 Intermediate Intermediate Lying between two extremes in time or space or degree. Located between two points or extremes. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C94393 Rostral Rostral Of or relating to a structure resembling a beak. Toward the muzzle in the head. (CDISC) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology C98798 Ventrolateral Ventrolateral Of or pertaining to the front and side of a main body. Of or pertaining to the front and side of a main body. (NCI) C92722 Qualitative Concept C99074 CDISC SDTM Directionality Terminology