C C91101 NCPDP MeasurementUnitCode Terminology C25298 Systolic Blood Pressure Systolic Blood Pressure The maximum pressure exerted into the systemic arterial circulation during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. C C91101 NCPDP MeasurementUnitCode Terminology C25299 Diastolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure The minimum pressure exerted into the systemic arterial circulation during cardiac ventricular relaxation and filling. D C89510 NCPDP QuantityUnitOfMeasure Terminology C48579 International Unit Unit International Unit The unitage assigned by the WHO to International Biological Standards - substances, classed as biological according to the criteria provided by WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (e.g. hormones, enzymes, and vaccines), to enable the results of biological and immunological assay procedures to be expressed in the same way throughout the world. The definition of an international unit is generally arbitrary and technical, and has to be officially approved by the International Conference for Unification of Formulae.