Editing of NCI Thesaurus 10.08e was completed on August 30th, 2010. Version 10.08e was August's fifth build in our development cycle. This directory contains files: ReadMe.txt This file Thesaurus_10.08e.FLAT.zip The NCI Thesaurus 10.08e in flat file format Thesaurus_10.08e.OWL.zip The NCI Thesaurus 10.08e in OWL ThesaurusInf_10.08e.OWL.zip The NCI Thesaurus 10.08e in Inferred OWL Thesaurus_10.08e.LexGrid.zip The NCI Thesaurus 10.08e in LexGrid XML The zip files unpack the following files: Thesaurus_10.08e.FLAT.zip Thesaurus_10.08e.txt Thesaurus_10.08e.OWL.zip Thesaurus.owl ThesaurusInf_10.08e.OWL.zip ThesaurusInferred.owl Thesaurus_10.08e.LexGrid.zip Thesaurus.xml In the first two formats below, the ontology is in a defined state, i.e. relations are as stated by the editors, no inferred relations are specified. The Thesaurus_10.08e.txt flat file is in tab-delimited format. Included in this format are all the terms associated with NCI Thesaurus concepts (names and synonyms), a text definition of the concept (if one is present), and stated parent-child relations, sufficient to reconstruct the hierarchy. The fields are: code concept name parents synonyms definition The "parents" field contains the concept name(s) of the superconcept(s). If a "parents" or "synonyms" field contains multiple entries, these are pipe-delimited. For root concepts without "parents", this field contains the string "root_node". The first entry in the "synonyms" field is the preferred name of the concept. If no preferred name has been stated for the concept, this field contains the concept name. The "definition" field contains only one definition if more than one definition is associated with the concept; not all concepts contain definitions. The Thesaurus.owl file contains the entire terminology expressed in the OWL web ontology language (http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/), with the exception of the Ontylog namespace declaration, which was deemed unnecessary. The Ontylog Roles where converted to restrictions on OWL properties, and most of the concept annotations in Ontylog properties were converted to OWL AnnotationProperty; as in the Ontylog xml file, properties of use only to the EVS (e.g. editor notes) are absent in the OWL file. Because Roles in Ontylog are mapped from a domain kind to a range kind, the OWL version of the Thesaurus has each kind as a root class to facilitate the conversion of Roles to OWL properties. The kind root classes are declared disjoint in the OWL file. The unzipped Thesaurus.owl is available directly at http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl The ThesaurusInf_10.08e.OWL.zip file contains the terminology from the NCI Thesaurus but excludes retired concepts and includes inferred relationships. This file is created for import into the UMLS and NCI Metathesaurus. Properties of use only to the EVS (e.g. editor notes) are absent in the released terminology. The Thesaurus.xml file contains the entire terminology in the LexGrid XML format. For more information about LexGrid XML, please see the Vocabulary Knowledge Center (https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Vocab/KC/index.php/LexGrid_Model_and_Schema). For previous releases of the NCI Thesaurus please see the archives at ftp://ftp1.nci.nih.gov/pub/cacore/EVS/NCI_Thesaurus/archive/ For additional information, please see the Release Notes of LexEVS 5.1. (https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/EVS/LexEVS+5.1+Release+Notes)