ICD-O-3.1-NCIt Mapping Files

The International Classification of Disease for Oncology (ICD-O) has long been an important coding resource for the cancer community, and EVS has long included it in our central mapping environment, NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm), with WHO permission. ICD-O-3.1 is the most recent version, approved by WHO/IARC in 2011 and published in 2013. In response to multiple user requests, we are now publishing the NCIm mappings of ICD-O-3.1 to NCIt. These are simple synonymy mappings for the codes and associated terms in both the Morphology and Topography axes, including the NCIm CUIs. We are working with multiple partners to cross-check these mappings, and to extend them to bi-axial coding for more specific cancers/neoplasms. As always, we invite user feedback (NCIThesaurus@nih.gov).

ICD-O-3.1-NCIt Morphology.txt, ICD-O-3.1-NCIt Topography.txt and ICD-0-3.1-NCIt Axis Mappings.xls

The Excel file displays the Morphology and Topology data sets on separate worksheets

The text data is in the form of a tab delimited file with the following columns:

*ICD-O "Level" values correspond with NCIm term types and descriptions as follows:
Level Term type Term type desc
1 (Axis name) HT Hierarchical term
2 HT Hierarchical term
3 HT Hierarchical term
4 PT, OP Preferred term/Obsolete preferred term
Obsolete terms are indicated in original file
Related RT, ORT Related term/Obsolete related term
Obsolete terms are indicated in original file
Synonym SY, IS Synonym/Inactive (obsolete) synonym
Obsolete terms are indicated in original files