March 2025 MED-RT (version name 2025.03.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2025.02.07) RxNorm (2025.02.03.24AB) MeSH (2025_2025.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.09.24AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2025.02.03): 3611 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2025.03.03): 3613 EPC concepts: 751 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 762 PE concepts: 1872 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 There were 2 new concepts manually added for this release including 1 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 1 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2025 MED-RT (version name 2025.02.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.11.26) RxNorm (2025.01.06.24AB) MeSH (2025_2025.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.09.24AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2025.01.06): 3611 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2025.02.03): 3611 EPC concepts: 750 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 762 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2025 MED-RT (version name 2025.01.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.11.26) RxNorm (2024.12.02.24AB) MeSH (2024_2024.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.09.24AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.11.04): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2025.01.06): 3611 EPC concepts: 750 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 762 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 There were 34 new concepts manually added for this release including 17 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 17 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.11.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.10.07.24AA) MeSH (2024_2024.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.09.24AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.10.07): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.11.04): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.10.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.09.03.24AA) MeSH (2024_2024.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.09.24AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.09.03): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.10.07): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.09.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.08.05.24AA) MeSH (2024_2024.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.03.23AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.07.01): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.09.03): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.07.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.06.03.24AA) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.03.23AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.06.03): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.07.01): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.06.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.05.06.24AA) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.03.23AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2024AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.05.06): 3577 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.06.03): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.05.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.04.01.23AB) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.03.23AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.04.01): 3574 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.05.06): 3577 EPC concepts: 733 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 28 HC concepts: 31 There were 3 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 1 added to the Terminology Extensions for Classification hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.04.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2024.03.11) RxNorm (2024.03.04.23AB) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2024.03.23AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.03.04): 3574 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.04.01): 3574 EPC concepts: 731 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 27 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.03.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.12.05) RxNorm (2024.02.05.23AB) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.09.23AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.02.05): 3574 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.03.04): 3574 EPC concepts: 731 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 27 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.02.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.12.05) RxNorm (2024.01.02.23AB) MeSH (2024_2024.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.09.23AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2024.01.02): 3561 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.02.05): 3574 EPC concepts: 731 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 745 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 27 HC concepts: 31 There were 13 new concepts manually added for this release including 5 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 8 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2024 MED-RT (version name 2024.01.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.12.05) RxNorm (2023.12.04.23AB) MeSH (2023_2023.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.09.23AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.11.06): 3551 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2024.01.02): 3561 EPC concepts: 726 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 737 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 27 HC concepts: 31 There were 10 new concepts manually added for this release including 8 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.11.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.10.04) RxNorm (2023.10.02.23AA) MeSH (2023_2023.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.09.23AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.10.02): 3542 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.11.06): 3551 EPC concepts: 718 APC concepts: 44 MoA concepts: 735 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 27 HC concepts: 31 There were 9 new concepts manually added for this release including 5 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 3 added to Additional Pharmacologic Classes, and 1 added to the Terminology Extensions for Classification hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.10.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.08.17) RxNorm (2023.09.05.23AA) MeSH (2023_2023.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.09.23AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.09.05): 3538 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.10.02): 3542 EPC concepts: 713 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 735 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 1 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 3 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.09.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.08.17) RxNorm (2023.08.07.23AA) MeSH (2023_2023.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.03.22AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.07.03): 3524 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.09.05): 3538 EPC concepts: 712 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 732 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 14 new concepts manually added for this release including 6 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 8 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.07.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.05.29) RxNorm (2023.06.05.23AA) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.03.22AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.06.05): 3516 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.07.03): 3524 EPC concepts: 706 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 724 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 8 new concepts manually added for this release including 4 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 4 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.06.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.05.17) RxNorm (2023.05.01.23AA) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.03.22AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2023AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.05.01): 3501 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.06.05): 3516 EPC concepts: 702 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 720 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 15 new concepts manually added for this release including 7 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 8 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.05.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.04.20) RxNorm (2023.04.03.22AB) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.03.22AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.04.03): 3501 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.05.01): 3501 EPC concepts: 695 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 712 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.04.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.02.07) RxNorm (2023.03.06.22AB) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2023.03.22AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.03.06): 3500 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.04.03): 3501 EPC concepts: 695 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 712 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There was 1 new concept manually added to the Established Pharmacologic Classes hierarchy for this release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.03.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.02.07) RxNorm (2023.02.06.22AB) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.09.22AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.02.06): 3495 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.03.06): 3500 EPC concepts: 694 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 712 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 5 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.02.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2023.01.16) RxNorm (2023.01.03.22AB) MeSH (2023_2023.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.09.22AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2023.01.03): 3490 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.02.06): 3495 EPC concepts: 691 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 710 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 5 new concepts manually added for this release including 4 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 1 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2023 MED-RT (version name 2023.01.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.09.05) RxNorm (2022.12.05.22AB) MeSH (2022_2022.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.09.22AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.11.07): 3490 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2023.01.03): 3490 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.11.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.09.05) RxNorm (2022.10.03.22AA) MeSH (2022_2022.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.09.22AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.10.03): 3490 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.11.07): 3490 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.10.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.09.05) RxNorm (2022.09.06.22AA) MeSH (2022_2022.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.09.22AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.09.06): 3490 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.10.03): 3490 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.09.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.08.08) RxNorm (2022.08.01.22AA) MeSH (2022_2022.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.03.21AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.07.05): 3489 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.09.06): 3490 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There was 1 Additional Pharmacologic Class (APC) concept added manually for this release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.07.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.05.06) RxNorm (2022.06.06.22AA) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.03.21AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.06.06): 3489 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.07.05): 3489 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.06.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.05.06) RxNorm (2022.05.02.22AA) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.03.21AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2022AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.05.02): 3489 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.06.06): 3489 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.05.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.04.08) RxNorm (2022.04.04.21AB) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.03.21AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.04.04): 3472 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.05.02): 3489 EPC concepts: 687 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 709 PE concepts: 1871 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 17 new concepts manually added for this release including 7 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 9 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy and 1 added to the Physiological Effects hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.04.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.03.23) RxNorm (2022.03.07.21AB) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2022.03.21AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.03.07): 3466 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.04.04): 3472 EPC concepts: 680 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 700 PE concepts: 1870 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 6 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 3 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.03.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.02.11) RxNorm (2022.02.07.21AB) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.09.21AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.02.07): 3461 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.03.07): 3466 EPC concepts: 677 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 697 PE concepts: 1870 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 5 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 3 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.02.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2022.01.24) RxNorm (2022.01.03.21AB) MeSH (2022_2022.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.09.21AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2022.01.03): 3457 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.02.07): 3461 EPC concepts: 675 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 694 PE concepts: 1870 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 1 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2022 MED-RT (version name 2022.01.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2021.12.08) RxNorm (2021.12.06.21AB) MeSH (2021_2021.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.09.21AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.11.01): 3448 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2022.01.03): 3457 EPC concepts: 672 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 693 PE concepts: 1870 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 9 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 4 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy and 2 added to the Physiological Effects hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.11.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2021.09.07) RxNorm (2021.10.04.21AA) MeSH (2021_2021.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.09.21AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.10.04): 3446 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.11.01): 3448 EPC concepts: 669 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 689 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.10.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2021.09.07) RxNorm (2021.09.07.21AA) MeSH (2021_2021.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.09.21AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.09.07): 3446 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.10.04): 3446 EPC concepts: 666 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 689 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.09.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2021.08.24) RxNorm (2021.08.02.21AA) MeSH (2021_2021.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.03.20AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.07.06): 3426 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.09.07): 3446 EPC concepts: 666 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 689 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 20 new concepts manually added for this release including 9 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 11 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.07.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2021.06.15) RxNorm (2021.06.07.21AA) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.03.20AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.06.07): 3411 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.07.06): 3426 EPC concepts: 657 APC concepts: 41 MoA concepts: 678 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 15 new concepts manually added for this release including 4 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 1 added to Additional Pharmacologic Classes, and 10 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.06.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2021.05.03.21AA) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.03.20AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2021AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.05.03): 3392 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.06.07): 3411 EPC concepts: 653 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 668 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 26 HC concepts: 31 There were 19 new concepts manually added for this release including 5 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 13 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy, and 1 added to the Terminology Extensions for Classification hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.05.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2021.04.05.20AB) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.03.20AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.04.05): 3392 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.05.03): 3392 EPC concepts: 648 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 655 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.04.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2021.03.01.20AB) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2021.03.20AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.03.01): 3392 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.04.05): 3392 EPC concepts: 648 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 655 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.03.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2021.02.01.20AB) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.09.20AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.02.01): 3392 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.03.01): 3392 EPC concepts: 648 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 655 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.02.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2021.01.04.20AB) MeSH (2021_2021.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.09.20AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2021.01.04): 3390 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.02.01): 3392 EPC concepts: 648 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 655 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 There were 2 new concepts manually added for this release including 1 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 1 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2021 MED-RT (version name 2021.01.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2020.12.07.20AB) MeSH (2020_2020.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.09.20AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.11.02): 3390 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2021.01.04): 3390 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.11.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2020.10.05.20AA) MeSH (2020_2020.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.09.20AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.10.05): 3390 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.11.02): 3390 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.10.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2020.09.08.20AA) MeSH (2020_2020.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.09.20AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.09.08): 3390 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.10.05): 3390 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.09.08) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.07.22) RxNorm (2020.08.03.20AA) MeSH (2020_2020.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.03.19AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.07.06): 3366 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.09.08): 3390 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 40 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 This release includes eighteen newly restructured EPC hierarchies. The hierarchies are included as children of the 'Preprations by FDA Established Pharmacologic Class' concept. There were 24 Additional Pharmacologic Class concepts manually added for this release to the Established Pharmacologic Class hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.07.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.04.28) RxNorm (2020.06.01.20AA) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.03.19AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.06.01): 3355 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.07.06): 3366 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 16 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 This release includes five newly restructured EPC hierarchy that can be found beneath the following concepts: "Anesthetic [APC]", "Anti-infective [APC]", "Enzyme [APC]", "Growth Factor [APC]", and "Receptor Interaction [APC]" There were 11 Additional Pharmacologic Class concepts manually added for this release to the Established Pharmacologic Class hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.06.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.04.28) RxNorm (2020.05.04.20AA) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.03.19AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2020AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.05.04): 3355 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.06.01): 3355 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 5 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.05.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.03.03) RxNorm (2020.04.06.19AB) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.03.19AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.04.06): 3349 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.05.04): 3355 EPC concepts: 647 APC concepts: 5 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 31 This release includes two notable changes: 1.) Established Pharmacologic Class concepts that are not linked to an actively marketed drug in the FDA Structured Product Labeling have been placed beneath a new concept "Inactive Preparations by FDA Established Pharmacologic Class". 2.) Established Pharmacologic Class concepts are in the process of being restructured to create a more comprehensive hierarchy of the classes. A new CTY of APC (Additional Pharmacologic Class) has been created to support the addition of grouper concepts for this effort. This release includes five newly restructured EPC hierarchies that can be found beneath the following concepts: "Antibody or Antibody Fragment [APC]", "Diuretic [APC]", "Hormone [APC]", "Imaging Agent [APC]", and "Vitamin or Mineral [APC]". There were 6 new concepts manually added for this release including 1 Hierarchical Concept and 5 Additional Pharmacologic Class concepts added to the Established Pharmacologic Class hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.04.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2020.03.03) RxNorm (2020.03.02.19AB) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2020.03.19AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.03.02): 3345 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.04.06): 3349 EPC concepts: 647 MoA concepts: 654 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 1 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 3 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.03.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.11.13) RxNorm (2020.02.03.19AB) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.09.19AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.02.03): 3345 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.03.02): 3345 EPC concepts: 646 MoA concepts: 651 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.02.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.11.13) RxNorm (2020.01.06.19AB) MeSH (2020_2020.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.09.19AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2020.01.06): 3341 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.02.03): 3345 EPC concepts: 646 MoA concepts: 651 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2020 MED-RT (version name 2020.01.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.11.13) RxNorm (2019.12.02.19AB) MeSH (2019_2019.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.09.19AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.11.04): 3339 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2020.01.06): 3341 EPC concepts: 644 MoA concepts: 649 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 2 new concepts manually added to Established Pharmacologic Classes hierarchy for this release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.11.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.07.15) RxNorm (2019.10.07.19AA) MeSH (2019_2019.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.09.19AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.10.07): 3339 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.11.04): 3339 EPC concepts: 642 MoA concepts: 649 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.10.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.07.15) RxNorm (2019.09.03.19AA) MeSH (2019_2019.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.09.19AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.09.03): 3332 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.10.07): 3339 EPC concepts: 642 MoA concepts: 649 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 7 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 4 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.09.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.07.15) RxNorm (2019.08.05.19AA) MeSH (2019_2019.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.03.18AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.07.01): 3332 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.09.03): 3332 EPC concepts: 639 MoA concepts: 645 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.07.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.04.22) RxNorm (2019.06.03.19AA) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.03.18AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.06.03): 3332 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.07.01): 3332 EPC concepts: 639 MoA concepts: 645 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.06.03) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.04.22) RxNorm (2019.05.06.19AA) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.03.18AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2019AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.05.06): 3332 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.06.03): 3332 EPC concepts: 639 MoA concepts: 645 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.05.06) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.03.12) RxNorm (2019.04.01.18AB) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.03.18AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.04.01): 3332 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.05.06): 3332 EPC concepts: 639 MoA concepts: 645 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.04.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.03.12) RxNorm (2019.03.04.18AB) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2019.03.18AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.03.04): 3328 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.04.01): 3332 EPC concepts: 639 MoA concepts: 645 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.03.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2019.02.04) RxNorm (2019.02.04.18AB) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.09.18AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.02.04): 3328 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.03.04): 3328 EPC concepts: 637 MoA concepts: 643 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.02.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.11.30) RxNorm (2019.01.07.18AB) MeSH (2019_2019.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.09.18AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2019.01.07): 3322 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.02.04): 3328 EPC concepts: 637 MoA concepts: 643 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 25 HC concepts: 30 There were 6 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy, and 1 added to the Terminology Extensions for Classification hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December/January 2019 MED-RT (version name 2019.01.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.11.30) RxNorm (2018.12.03.18AB) MeSH (2018_2018.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.09.18AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.11.05): 3322 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2019.01.07): 3322 EPC concepts: 634 MoA concepts: 641 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.11.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.06.05) RxNorm (2018.10.01.18AA) MeSH (2018_2018.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.09.18AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.10.01): 3322 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.11.05): 3322 EPC concepts: 634 MoA concepts: 641 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.10.01) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.06.05) RxNorm (2018.09.04.18AA) MeSH (2018_2018.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.09.18AA) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.09.04): 3286 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.10.01): 3322 EPC concepts: 634 MoA concepts: 641 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 66 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 There were 36 new concepts manually added for this release to the Therapeutic Categories hierarchy. This release also includes new relationships added by MED-RT SMEs for the following relationship types: CI_ChemClass CI_MoA CI_PE CI_with has_MoA has_PE has_TC may_prevent may_treat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August/September 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.09.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.06.05) RxNorm (2018.08.06.18AA) MeSH (2018_2018.07.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.03.17AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2018AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.07.02): 3286 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.09.04): 3286 EPC concepts: 634 MoA concepts: 641 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.07.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: FDA SPL (2018.06.05) RxNorm (2018.06.04.18AA) MeSH (2018_2018.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.03.17AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2017AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.06.04): 3282 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.07.02): 3286 EPC concepts: 634 MoA concepts: 641 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 There were 4 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ June 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.06.04) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources: RxNorm (2018.05.07.18AA) MeSH (2018_2018.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.03.17AB) UMLS Metathesaurus (2017AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.05.07): 3282 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.06.04): 3282 EPC concepts: 632 MoA concepts: 639 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 A new authority with a value of 'NLMUMLS' was added to this release to support relationships from RxNorm ingredients to MeSH structural classes as defined by the UMLS Metathesaurus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.05.07) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources and updated using the FDA SPL file dated 3/16/18: RxNorm (2018.04.02.17AB) MeSH (2018_2018.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2018.03.17AB) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.04.02): 3277 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.05.07): 3282 EPC concepts: 632 MoA concepts: 639 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 There were 5 new concepts manually added for this release including 3 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 2 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy. The following relationship names have been changed in this release: has_Ingredient -> Synonym Of has_Chemical_Structure -> has_SC has_SNOMED_parent -> Child Of has_SNOMED_child -> Parent Of has_SNOMED_synonym -> Synonym Of Please see the full MED-RT documentation for additional relationship information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.04.02) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources and updated using the FDA SPL file dated 3/14/18: RxNorm (2018.03.05.17AB) MeSH (2018_2018.01.01) SNOMED CT US Edition (2017.09.17AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN PREVIOUS VERSION (2018.03.05): 3267 TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.04.02): 3277 EPC concepts: 629 MoA concepts: 637 PE concepts: 1868 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 There were 10 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes, 6 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy, and 2 added to the Physiological Effects hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 2018 MED-RT (version name 2018.03.05) The Medication Reference Terminology (MED-RT) is the evolutionary successor to the Veterans Health Administration National Drug File – Reference Terminology (VHA NDF-RT™). Both are formal ontological representations of medication terminology, pharmacologic classifications, and asserted authoritative relationships between them. Distribution of MED-RT is through the same channels on the same monthly schedule as its predecessor NDF-RT, in XML and other formats. Content in this version of MED-RT represents revisions based on data in the following sources and updated using the FDA SPL file dated 2/5/18: NDF-RT (2018.02.05.17AB) RxNorm (2018.02.05.17AB) MeSH (2017_2017.09.19) SNOMED CT US Edition (2017.09.17AA) TOTAL CONCEPTS IN CURRENT VERSION (2018.03.05): 3267 EPC concepts: 627 MoA concepts: 631 PE concepts: 1866 PK concepts: 59 TC concepts: 30 EXT concepts: 24 HC concepts: 30 There were 5 new concepts manually added for this release including 2 added to Established Pharmacologic Classes and 3 added to the Mechanism of Action hierarchy.