A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C103810 CD4 Expressing Cell Count The determination of the amount of the CD4 expressing cells in a sample. cd4_count cd4 count A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C116701 Spectrophotometry A laboratory test that produces a quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength. spectrophotometer_method spectrophotometer method A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C118426 Gene Product Variation Site The amino acid position that is substituted in a gene product variant. aa_change aa change A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C120715 Minimum Diameter The minimum value in a range of values that describe the diameter of an entity. shortest_dimension shortest dimension A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C124435 Gestational Age at Birth The gestational age of the subject at birth. weeks_gestation_at_birth weeks gestation at birth A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C124446 Number of Lymph Nodes Examined The number of lymph nodes that were examined. lymph_nodes_tested lymph nodes tested A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C124447 Number of Lymph Nodes Positive The number of subject lymph nodes that were positive for presence of disease. lymph_nodes_positive lymph nodes positive A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C127063 Total Years Have Smoked Cigarettes A question about the total years an individual smoked or currently smokes cigarettes. years_smoked years smoked A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C127064 Average Number Cigarettes Smoked a Day A question about the average number of cigarettes an individual smoked or smokes in one day. cigarettes_per_day cigarettes per day A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C127771 Tumor Cell to Total Cell Ratio Measurement The determination of the ratio of tumor cells compared to total cells present in a sample. The measurement may be expressed as a ratio or percentage. tumor_purity tumor purity A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C128794 Proliferating Cell Count The number of proliferating cells found during a review of a slide(s) derived from a tissue sample. number_proliferating_cells number proliferating cells C C177536 GDC Property Terminology C129439 Medulloblastoma, Genetically Defined A term that refers to the classification of medulloblastomas according to their molecular characteristics. medulloblastoma_molecular_classification medulloblastoma molecular classification A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C13432 Chromosome Band Chromosomal bands observed after staining with specific dyes. The band pattern is the result of differential interactions between the dye and nonadjacent chromosomal regions. cytoband A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C137815 Distance of Closest Surgical Margin The distance of the closest surgical margin from tumor after surgical resection of the tumor. The closest distance between a tumor and its resection margin has prognostic significance. margin_distance margin distance A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C139280 A260 to A280 Ratio An assessment of nucleic acid purity that is measured by determining the ratio of light absorbance of the nucleic acid sample at 260nm and 280nm respectively. a260_a280_ratio a260 a280 ratio A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C139285 Microsatellite Instability Overall Status The state or condition of a subject's microsatellite sequences with respect to the inability of their mismatch repair (MMR) proteins to fix a DNA replication error. msi_status msi status A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C153362 Read Length The number of nucleotides successfully ordered from each side of a nucleic acid fragment obtained after the completion of a sequencing process. read_length read length A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C153365 Sequencing Size Selection Range The minimum and maximum lengths of the DNA fragments selected for inclusion in a sequencing library. size_selection_range size selection range A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C155320 Read Depth The number of times a particular locus (site, nucleotide, amplicon, region) was sequenced. mean_coverage mean coverage A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C155962 Submucosal Invasion Depth A morphological finding indicating the depth of tumor invasion into the submucosal tissue. tumor_depth tumor depth A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C156423 Smoking Onset Year The year in which an individual began smoking. tobacco_smoking_onset_year tobacco smoking onset year A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C156425 Smoking Cessation Year The year in which an individual quit smoking. tobacco_smoking_quit_year tobacco smoking quit year A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C156426 Year of Death The year in which an individual died. year_of_death year of death A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C15697 Treatment Regimen A treatment plan that specifies the dosage, the schedule, and the duration of treatment. regimen_or_line_of_therapy regimen or line of therapy A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C158775 Pathologic Depth The longest front to back measurement of a tumor from the pathology examination of a specimen. greatest_tumor_dimension || tumor_largest_dimension_diameter greatest tumor dimension || tumor largest dimension diameter A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C158799 Age When Quit using Smokeless Tobacco after Regular Use A question about the age of an individual when they started using smokeless tobacco, once they have been using regularly for six weeks. smokeless_tobacco_quit_age smokeless tobacco quit age A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C158809 Additional Pathologic Findings A section header that includes additional pathologic findings. additional_pathology_findings additional pathology findings A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159315 FEV1% REF Pre-Bronchodilator The test for pre-bronchodilator lung forced expiratory volume 1 test lab percentage value. fev1_ref_post_bronch_percent fev1 ref post bronch percent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159316 FEV1% REF Post-Bronchodilator The test for post-bronchodilator lung forced expiratory volume 1 test lab percentage value. fev1_ref_pre_bronch_percent fev1 ref pre bronch percent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159317 FEV1/FVC Pre-Bronchodilator The test for pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume over the forced vital capacity percentage value. fev1_fvc_pre_bronch_percent fev1 fvc pre bronch percent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159318 FEV1/FVC Post-Bronchodilator The test for post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume over the forced vital capacity percentage value. fev1_fvc_post_bronch_percent fev1 fvc post bronch percent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159319 DLCO % REF The lung carbon monoxide diffusing capability test assessment predictive percentage value. dlco_ref_predictive_percent dlco ref predictive percent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159478 Percent of Granulocytes A quantitative measurement of the percent of granulocytes compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_granulocyte_infiltration percent granulocyte infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159479 Percent Inflammatory Marker Positive A quantitative measurement of the percent of a sample that is positive for inflammatory markers, including the presence of capillary dilatation, edema and increased leukocytes. percent_inflam_infiltration percent inflam infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159480 Percent of Monocytes A quantitative measurement of the percent of monocytes compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_monocyte_infiltration percent monocyte infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159481 Percent of Necrosis A quantitative measurement of the percent of cells undergoing necrosis compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. necrosis_percent || percent_necrosis necrosis percent || percent necrosis A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159482 Percent of Neutrophils A quantitative measurement of the percent of neutrophils compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_neutrophil_infiltration percent neutrophil infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159483 Percent of Stromal Cells A quantitative measurement of the percent of stromal cells compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_stromal_cells percent stromal cells A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C159484 Percent of Tumor Cells A quantitative measurement of the percent of tumor cells compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_tumor_cells percent tumor cells A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C16358 Body Mass Index An individual's weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. bmi A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C164572 Passage Number The number of sub-culture processes the cells have undergone since the original harvest. passage_count passage count A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C164634 Body Height The vertical measurement or distance from the base to the top of a subject or participant. height A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C165056 Project Name The name applied to an investigational project. project A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C165615 Percent Tumor Cell Nuclei A quantitative measurement of the percent of tumor cell nuclei in a sample compared to the total number of nuclei in the sample. percent_tumor_nuclei percent tumor nuclei A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C166208 Chemotherapeutic Cycle Number The number of the individual chemotherapeutic cycle. number_of_cycles number of cycles A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C166277 Short Site Name The abbreviation or abridged identifier representing the place hosting a research program or study. short_name short name A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C171335 NCBI Transcript Identifier An identifier assigned by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to an RNA transcript. transcript A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C172246 Nucleic Acid Aliquot Volume The volume of fluid in an aliquot containing nucleic acid extracted from a specimen. aliquot_volume aliquot volume A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C172676 Age-Days The length of a person's life, stated in days since birth. days_to_birth days to birth A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C173263 Disease Involvement Site The anatomic site of the disease. sites_of_involvement sites of involvement A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C173940 dbGaP Accession Number A stable unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to a study and any objects by the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP). dbgap_accession_number dbgap accession number A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C177932 28S Ribosomal RNA to 18S Ribosomal RNA Ratio An assessment of ribonucleic acid integrity that is measured by determining the ratio of the nucleotide length of 28S rRNA and 18S rRNA, respectively, in a biological specimen. ribosomal_rna_28s_16s_ratio ribosomal rna 28s 16s ratio C C177536 GDC Property Terminology C178276 Number of Peripancreatic Lymph Nodes Positive The number of peripancreatic nodes that were found positive for presence of disease. peripancreatic_lymph_nodes_positive peripancreatic lymph nodes positive A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181046 No Matched Normal Low Pass Whole Genome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying that no matched normal sample exists for an experimental sample subjected to low pass whole genome sequencing (WGS). no_matched_normal_low_pass_wgs no matched normal low pass wgs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181049 No Matched Normal Targeted Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying that no matched normal sample exists for an experimental sample subjected to targeted sequencing. no_matched_normal_targeted_sequencing no matched normal targeted sequencing A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181050 No Matched Normal Whole Exome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying that no matched normal sample exists for an experimental sample subjected to whole exome sequencing (WES or WXS). no_matched_normal_wxs no matched normal wxs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181051 No Matched Normal Whole Genome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying that no matched normal sample exists for an experimental sample subjected to whole genome sequencing (WGS). no_matched_normal_wgs no matched normal wgs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181052 Selected Normal Low Pass Whole Genome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying that no matched normal sample exists for an experimental sample subjected to low pass whole genome sequencing (WGS). selected_normal_low_pass_wgs selected normal low pass wgs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181053 Selected Normal Targeted Sequencing Sample Aliquot Indicator An indicator specifying which normal sample aliquot was used for targeted sequencing. selected_normal_targeted_sequencing selected normal targeted sequencing A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181054 Selected Normal Whole Exome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying which normal sample aliquot was used for whole exome sequencing (WES or WXS). selected_normal_wxs selected normal wxs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181055 Selected Normal Whole Genome Sequencing Indicator An indicator specifying which normal sample aliquot was used for whole genome sequencing (WGS). selected_normal_wgs selected normal wgs A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181056 Number of Days Between Index Date and Adverse Event The number of days between an index date and the date of an adverse event. days_to_adverse_event days to adverse event A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181057 Number of Days Between Index Date and Best Overall Response The number of days between an index date and the date where the best overall response was observed. days_to_best_overall_response days to best overall response A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181059 Number of Days Between Index Date and Comorbidity The number of days between an index date and the date that a comorbid condition was observed or diagnosed. days_to_comorbidity days to comorbidity A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181060 Number of Days Between Index Date and Death The number of days between an index date and the date of death. days_to_death days to death A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181061 Number of Days Between Index Date and Diagnosis The number of days between an index date and the date of diagnosis. days_to_diagnosis days to diagnosis A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181062 Number of Days Between Index Date and Disease Recurrence The number of days between an index date and the date disease recurrence was observed or diagnosed. days_to_recurrence days to recurrence A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181063 Number of Days Between Index Date and Disease Progression The number of days between an index date and the date disease progression was observed or diagnosed. days_to_progression days to progression A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181064 Number of Days Between Index Date and Imaging Procedure The number of days between an index date and the date for an imaging scan or procedure. days_to_imaging days to imaging A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181065 Number of Days Between Index Date and Last Follow Up The number of days between an index date and the date of last follow up. days_to_follow_up days to follow up A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181066 Number of Days Between Index Date and Last Known Disease Status The number of days between an index date and the date for the last known disease status update. days_to_last_known_disease_status days to last known disease status A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181067 Number of Days Between Index Date and Lost to Follow Up The number of days between an index date and the date a subject was lost to follow up. days_to_lost_to_followup days to lost to followup A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181068 Number of Days Between Index Date and Nucleotide Sequencing Assay The number of days between an index date and the date a nucleotide sample was subjected to sequencing. days_to_sequencing days to sequencing A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181069 Number of Days Between Index Date and Participation Consent The number of days between an index date and the date that consent for study participation was obtained. days_to_consent days to consent A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181070 Number of Days Between Index Date and Progression Free Status The number of days between an index date and the date that a subject was observed or diagnosed to be progression free. days_to_progression_free days to progression free A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181071 Number of Days Between Index Date and Specimen Collection The number of days between an index date and the date that a specimen collection procedure occurred. days_to_collection days to collection A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181072 Number of Days Between Index Date and Treatment End The number of days between an index date and the date treatment was ended. days_to_treatment_end days to treatment end A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181073 Number of Days Between Index Date and Treatment Start The number of days between an index date and the date treatment was started. days_to_treatment_start days to treatment start A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181074 Age Data Obfuscated Indicator An indication that age or age-related data has been modified during de-identification. age_is_obfuscated age is obfuscated A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C181083 Number of Peripancreatic Lymph Nodes Examined The number of peripancreatic nodes that were examined. peripancreatic_lymph_nodes_tested peripancreatic lymph nodes tested A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C25157 Body Surface Area A measure of the 2-dimensional extent of the body surface (i.e., the skin). Body surface area (BSA) can be calculated by mathematical formula or from a chart that relates height to weight. BSA is often an important factor in dosing. body_surface_area body surface area A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C25488 Dose A quantity of an agent (such as substance or energy) administered, taken, or absorbed at one time. treatment_dose treatment dose A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C25734 Breslow Thickness The measurement in millimeters of the vertical thickness of primary cutaneous melanoma. Breslow thickness is measured from the granular layer of the epidermis, or the ulcer base (if ulcerated), to the deepest tumor cells. It is used in staging of melanoma. (NCI) breslow_thickness breslow thickness C C177536 GDC Property Terminology C35886 Morphologic Architectural Pattern A microscopic finding that relates to the architectural patterns of a normal or abnormal cellular population in a tissue specimen. morphologic_architectural_pattern morphologic architectural pattern A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C41185 Concentration The quantity of a substance per unit volume or weight; a measure of the amount of substance present in a unit amount of mixture, particularly, the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent. The amounts can be expressed as moles, masses, volumes, or parts. concentration concentration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C45766 Genomic Identifier One or more characters and/or numbers that are used to identify, name, or characterize the nature, properties, or contents of genomic sequences, mRNA transcripts, protein products, or other class of entities that occurs throughout the genome. locus A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C46085 Circumferential Resection Margin The non-peritonealised bare area of rectum, comprising anterior and posterior segments, when submitted as a surgical specimen resulting from excision of cancer of the rectum. circumferential_resection_margin circumferential resection margin A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C47864 Mitotic Count The number of mitoses identified under the microscope in tumors. It is one of the parameters that determine the grade of malignant tumors. The method of counting varies, according to the specific tumor examined. Usually the mitotic count is determined based on the number of mitoses per high power field (40X) or 10 high power fields. mitotic_count mitotic count A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C48938 Cell Count A procedure to determine the number of cells in a sample. cell_count cell count A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C63637 RNA Integrity Number A numerical assessment of the integrity of RNA based on the entire electrophoretic trace of the RNA sample, including the presence or absence of degradation products. rna_integrity_number rin || rna integrity number A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C67415 Unit for Functional Test Results A unit used to record and describe the result of a functional test. test_units test units A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C69217 Age Started The age of a person at the start of a specific event. age_at_onset age at onset A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C70458 Percent of Morphologically Normal Cells A quantitative measurement of the percent of morphologically normal cells compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_normal_cells percent normal cells A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C70462 Percent of Lymphocytes A quantitative measurement of the percent of granulocytes compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_lymphocyte_infiltration percent lymphocyte infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C70465 Percent of Eosinophils A quantitative measurement of the percent of eosinophils compared to the number of total cells present in a sample. percent_eosinophil_infiltration percent eosinophil infiltration A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C70950 Test Result Report An account of the outcome of an analysis or test. test_value test value A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C71892 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision The tenth version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), published by the World Health Organization in 1992. icd_10 icd 10 A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C73993 Pack Year A quantification of lifetime tobacco exposure defined as (number of cigarettes smoked per day x number of years smoked)/20. One pack-year is smoking 20 cigarettes a day for one year. pack_years_smoked pack years smoked A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C83164 Birth Year The year in which a person was born. year_of_birth year of birth A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C87917 Microbiology Specimen Sequence Number A number that identifies the ordering relations (in time, space, etc.) in a set of microbiology specimens. sample_ordinal sample ordinal A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C92544 HIV Viral Load Measurement The determination of the HIV viral load in a specimen. hiv_viral_load hiv viral load A C177536 GDC Property Terminology C96684 Longest Diameter The longest possible length of a straight line passing through the center of a circular or spheroid object that connects two points on the circumference. longest_dimension longest dimension C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C106368 Mocravimod Hydrochloride The hydrochloride salt form of mocravimod, a sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor agonist, with potential immunosuppressive activity. Upon administration of mocravimod, this agent binds to S1P receptors on lymphocytes, which prevents binding of serum S1P to S1P receptors and leads to S1P receptor internalization. This reduces the number of circulating blood leukocytes and accelerates lymphocyte homing into peripheral lymph nodes, thereby preventing their infiltration into peripheral inflammatory sites. This agent also decreases the production of inflammatory cytokines by lymphocytes, such as interferon gamma (IFN-g), interleukin-12 (IL-12), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). S1P Receptor Agonist KRP203 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C124051 Racemetyrosine/Methoxsalen/Phenytoin/Sirolimus A combination agent containing racemetyrosine, methoxsalen, phenytoin and sirolimus, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration of racemetyrosine/methoxsalen/phenytoin/sirolimus SM-88, racemetyrosine, being a dysfunctional and modified form of the non-essential amino acid tyrosine, is specifically taken up by cancer cells through the transporter L-amino acid transferase-1 (LAT1; CD98). As a tyrosine derivative and faulty amino acid protein building block, racemetyrosine prevents protein synthesis in cancer cells. Specifically, this prevents mucin-1 (MUC1) protein synthesis. MUC1 is highly overexpressed by most cancer cells and regulates the increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cancer cells created from the altered metabolism that cancer cells utilize, by upregulating key antioxidant defenses and preventing ROS-mediated apoptosis. In the absence of MUC1, ROS levels are increased, leading to an increase in oxidative stress, and induction of apoptosis. Also, being a protective transmembrane protein, MUC1 is part of the protective layer on the outside of cancer cells and plays a key role in shielding the cancer cell from the immune system. The loss of MUC1 compromises the cell membrane, thereby making the cancer cell more vulnerable to be recognized and attacked by the immune system. Rapamycin, a mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, increases the cancer cells' need for tyrosine uptake and increases the uptake of racemetyrosine by LAT1. Phenytoin stimulates the release of reactive lipid species by the liver which accumulate in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and are taken up by cancer cells, thereby further increasing ROS within the cancer cell and increasing oxidative-related apoptosis. Mehoxsalen promotes toxic electron transfer and increases melanin, increases oxidative reactions and production of ROS. This further stimulates oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis. Normal cells do not regularly take up certain non-essential amino acids, such as tyrosine, but readily convert phenylalanine to tyrosine, so normal healthy cells are not expected to consume racemetyrosine. Antineoplastic Agent Combination SM-88 | therapeutic_agents || Racemetyrosine/Methoxsalen/Phenytoin/Sirolimus SM-88 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C141421 Anti-TIGIT Monoclonal Antibody ASP8374 A fully human, immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) monoclonal antibody targeting the co-inhibitory molecule and immune checkpoint inhibitor T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) domains (TIGIT), with potential immune checkpoint inhibitory and immunostimulating activities. Upon administration, anti-TIGIT monoclonal antibody ASP8374 targets and binds to TIGIT expressed on various immune cells, particularly on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), thereby preventing the interaction of TIGIT with its ligands CD112 (nectin-2; poliovirus receptor related-2; PRR2; PVRL2) and CD155 (poliovirus receptor; PVR; nectin-like protein 5; NECL-5). This enhances the interaction of CD112 and CD155 with the costimulatory receptor CD226 (DNAX Accessory molecule-1; DNAM-1), which is expressed on immune cells, such as natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T-cells. This leads to CD226 dimerization and CD226-mediated signaling and activates the immune system to exert a T-cell-mediated immune response against cancer cells. TIGIT, a member of the Ig super family (IgSF) and an immune inhibitory receptor, plays a key role in the suppression of T-cell proliferation and activation; it is involved in tumor cell immune evasion, and the inhibition of antiviral immune responses. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor ASP8374 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C152979 Hsp90 Inhibitor LAM-003 An L-alanine ester prodrug of LAM-003A, an orally bioavailable, synthetic, second-generation small-molecule inhibitor of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon oral administration, LAM-003 is converted to LAM-003A. LAM-003A selectively targets and binds to Hsp90, thereby inhibiting its chaperone function and promoting the degradation of oncogenic signaling proteins involved in tumor cell proliferation and survival. This may inhibit the growth and survival of a wide variety of cancer cell types. Hsp90, a chaperone protein upregulated in a variety of tumor cells, regulates the folding, stability, and degradation of many oncogenic signaling proteins. Immunomodulator LAM-003 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C157279 Mirzotamab Clezutoclax An antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) composed of a monoclonal antibody against the immunoregulatory protein B7-homologue 3 (B7-H3, CD276) conjugated, via a solubilizing linker, to a B-cell lymphoma extra long (Bcl-XL) inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration of mirzotamab clezutoclax, the anti-B7-H3 monoclonal antibody moiety targets and binds to B7-H3 expressed on tumor cells. Upon binding, internalization and linker cleavage, the Bcl-XL inhibitor targets, binds to and inhibits the activity of the pro-survival protein Bcl-XL. This restores apoptotic processes and inhibits the proliferation of B7-H3-expressing tumor cells. B7-H3, a type I transmembrane protein and a member of the B7 co-stimulatory protein superfamily, is overexpressed on certain tumor cell types and on various immune cells. It plays a key role in tumor growth and immune responses. Antibody-drug Conjugate ABBV-155 | therapeutic_agents || Mirzotamab Clezutoclax | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C159817 TGFbeta Receptor Ectodomain-IgG Fc Fusion Protein BMS-986416 A fusion protein composed of the ectodomain of the transforming growth factor (TGF) beta (TGF-beta; TGFb) receptor fused to the human immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc domain, with potential antineoplastic, immunomodulating and anti-fibrotic activities. Upon administration of the TGFb receptor ectodomain-IgG Fc fusion protein BMS-986416, the fusion protein specifically and selectively targets, binds to and neutralizes the TGF ligands TGF-beta isoform 1 (TGFb1) and 3 (TGFb3). This prevents TGF ligands from binding to TGF receptors and prevents TGFb-mediated signaling. This abrogates TGFb1/3-mediated immunosuppression, enhances anti-tumor immunity in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and promotes a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated immune response against tumor cells leading to tumor cell death. This may lead to a reduction in TGFb-dependent proliferation of cancer cells. By preventing TGFb1/3-mediated signaling, BMS-986416 also prevents bone marrow fibrosis and promotes the proliferation of normal hematopoietic progenitors. TGFb, overproduced in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and in many other types of cancer, plays a key role in immunosuppression in the TME, enhances tumor cell proliferation, and promotes cancer progression. The TGFb1 and TGFb3 isoforms are negative regulators of hematopoiesis that play key roles in the pathogenesis and progression of fibrotic diseases. By selectively targeting only specific isoforms of TGFb with minimal activity against TGFb2, BMS-986416 minimizes the potential for cardiotoxicity and promotion of metastasis. The TGFb2 isoform promotes hematopoiesis and plays a key role in normal cardiac function while the inhibition of the TGFb2 isoform promotes metastasis. TGFbeta Receptor Ectodomain-IgG Fc Fusion Protein AVID200 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C160293 Enterococcus gallinarum Strain MRx0518 A live strain of the flagellin-producing Gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus (E.) gallinarum that is isolated from a healthy human gut, with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. Upon oral administration, MRx0518 modulates the intestinal microbiota and targets both intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), and various immune cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) and is able to induce the production of both pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-23, in these cells and activates the innate immune system. The flagellin produced by MRx0518 interacts with and activates toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5), thereby activating the adaptive immune system and modulating the tumor microenvironment (TME). This activates the immune system to mount a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) immune response against tumor cells. Enterococcus gallinarum Strain MRx0518 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C165612 Glutaminase-1 Inhibitor IACS-6274 An orally bioavailable inhibitor of the metabolic enzyme glutaminase-1 (GLS1), with potential antineoplastic and immunostimulating activities. Upon oral administration, IACS-6274 selectively targets, binds to and inhibits human GLS1, an enzyme that is essential for the conversion of the amino acid glutamine into glutamate. Blocking glutamine metabolism inhibits proliferation in rapidly growing tumor cells and leads to an induction of cell death. Unlike normal healthy cells, glutamine-dependent tumors heavily rely on the intracellular conversion of exogenous glutamine into glutamate and glutamate metabolites to provide energy and generate building blocks for the production of macromolecules, which are needed for cellular growth and survival. Glutaminase Inhibitor IPN60090 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents A C177537 GDC Value Terminology C181091 AQP1 Gene This gene plays a role in transmembrane transport of water. AQP1 | gene_symbol C43568 gene_symbol C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C78840 Indatuximab Ravtansine An immunoconjugate consisting of a monoclonal antibody directed against syndecan-1 (CD138) covalently attached to the maytansinoid DM4, a derivative of the cytotoxic agent maytansine (DM1), with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, indatuximab ravtansine binds to syndecan-1-expressing tumor cells; upon internalization the DM4 moiety is released, binding to tubulin and disrupting microtubule assembly/disassembly dynamics, which may result in the inhibition of cell division and cell growth of syndecan-1-expressing tumor cells. Syndecan-1, a type 1 transmembrane proteoglycan and tumor-associated antigen (TAA), is overexpressed in a variety of cancer cells and plays a key role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and adhesion. Anti-Myeloma Monoclonal Antibody-DM4 Immunoconjugate BT-062 | therapeutic_agents || Indatuximab Ravtansine | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C84836 Hsp90 Inhibitor LAM-003A An orally bioavailable, synthetic, second-generation small-molecule inhibitor of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) with potential antineoplastic activity. Hsp90 inhibitor LAM-003A selectively binds to Hsp90, thereby inhibiting its chaperone function and promoting the degradation of oncogenic signaling proteins involved in tumor cell proliferation and survival; this agent may inhibit the growth and survival of a wide variety of cancer cell types. Hsp90, a chaperone protein upregulated in a variety of tumor cells, regulates the folding, stability, and degradation of many oncogenic signaling proteins. Hsp90 Inhibitor MPC-3100 | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents C C177537 GDC Value Terminology C85460 Silmitasertib Sodium The sodium salt form of silmitasertib, an orally bioavailable small-molecule inhibitor of the enzyme casein kinase II (CK2), with potential antineoplastic, anti-viral and immunomodulatory activities. Upon oral administration, silmitasertib selectively binds to and inhibits the activity of CK2. This may inhibit proliferation of CK2-expressing tumor cells, and may also inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-COV-2). In addition, this may restore normal host cell cytokine regulation, prevent cytokine storm and suppress the hyperactivation of the innate immune system. CK2, a protein kinase often overexpressed in a variety of cancer cell types, appears to be correlated with malignant transformation, tumor growth and survival. CK2 regulates a diverse array of pro-survival cellular processes including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling, PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling, hedgehog (Hh) signaling, Hsp90 machinery, hypoxia, and interleukin (IL)-6 expression. CK2 also regulates the activity of XRCC1 and MDC1, two mediator/adaptor proteins that are essential for DNA repair. CK2 is upregulated by SARS-COV-2 and is associated with SARS-COV-2 viral replication and the development of cytokine storm. Silmitasertib Sodium | therapeutic_agents C1909 therapeutic_agents