March 28, 2007 This directory contains data files from the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Drug File Reference Terminology (NDF-RT). NDF-RT is the terminology used by FDA and the FedMed collaboration to code these essential pharmacologic properties of medications: Mechanism of Action Physiologic Effect Structural Class The full NDF-RT release files are available at: As of the March, 2007, the NDF-RT Public Edition is the version published for FDA, FedMed, and other purposes outside the VA system. This version contains all of the core NDF-RT concepts from previous releases, and all concept NUIs remain unchanged. The only omission is data elements deemed useful solely for internal VA operations. See the Release Notes for additional detail. Contents - Files: MechanismOfAction.txt (MoA subset: tabbed text) MechanismOfAction.xls (MoA subset: Excel) PhysiologicEffect.txt (PE subset: tabbed text) PhysiologicEffect.xls (PE subset: Excel) StructuralClass.txt (SC subset: tabbed text) StructuralClass.xls (SC subset: Excel) NDF-RT Public Edition Release Notes.txt (details on new release) ReadMe.txt (this file) Contents - Directories: Archive (dated/earlier file versions)