D C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C187373 Peri-prosthetic Joint Infection Infection around an implant following joint replacement. Peri-prosthetic Joint Infection 4845 Infection around an implant following joint replacement. IMDRF:E2123 D C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C38003 Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein. Phlebitis 2004 Inflammation of a vein. IMDRF:E0512 D C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50680 Ossification The formation of bone or of a bony substance; the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance. Ossification 1428 The formation of bone or of a bony substance; the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance. IMDRF:E1626 D C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C78583 Rectal Anastomotic Leakage Leakage due to breakdown of a rectal anastomosis. Rectal Anastomotic Leakage 4482 Leakage due to breakdown of a rectal anastomosis. IMDRF:E1026 D C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C78718 Wheezing A symptom and a finding during physical examination, characterized by a high-pitched, whistling sound during breathing. It results from the narrowing or obstruction of the respiratory airways. The most common causes of wheezing are asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tracheobronchitis, and pulmonary edema. Wheezing 4463 A symptom and finding during physical examination, characterized by high-pitched, whistling sound during breathing. it results from narrowing or obstruction of the respiratory airways. IMDRF:E0751 D C54577 Medical Device Component C49880 Helifix Coil Device A coil designed to allow a Helifix pacing electrode to be placed in the endocardium. Helifix Coil 567 A coil designed to allow a Helifix pacing electrode to be placed in the endocardium. IMDRF:G0403001 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C78255 Device-Related Infection Infection local to an implanted or invasive medical device. Medical Device Site Infection 4845 Infection local to an implanted or invasive medical device. IMDRF:E2123 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C78500 Nasal Congestion The blockage of the nasal passage due to mucosal edema. It is usually the result of a viral infection or an allergic reaction. Nasal congestion 4874 The blockage of the nasal passage due to mucosal edema. It is usually the result of a viral infection or an allergic reaction. IMDRF:E0756 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C79748 Atrophy Any weakening or degeneration, especially through lack of use. Atrophy 4913 Decrease in size of a body part, cell, organ, or other tissue. For muscular atrophy use E1621 - Muscle Weakness/Atrophy IMDRF:E2351 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C95556 Nail Changes Alteration of the normal characteristics of the fingernails or toenails. Examples include thickening, thinning, deformity, and separation from the nail bed. Nail disorder 4897 Abnormality of the nail, such as problems with the color, shape, texture, or thickness of the fingernails or toenails. IMDRF:E1728 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C99064 Spinal Deformity A congenital or acquired deformity of the spine. Representative examples include scoliosis, kyphosis, and sagittal imbalance. Spinal deformity 4886 Abnormal curvature and/or alignment of the spine. IMDRF:E1642 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C206562 Implant Subsidence Problem related to the settling or collapse of bone adjacent to an implanted device. Implant subsidence 4078 Problem related to the settling or collapse of bone adjacent to an implanted device, in direction of the loading force. IMDRF:A0107 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C206563 Device Packaging Look-Alike Problem associated with medical device packaging that looks similar to another product. Device packaging look-alike 4079 Problem associated with medical device packaging that looks similar to another product leading to confusion. The other product may be another device or a different product such as a medicine or cleaning agent. Use A210107 for Device label look-alike. IMDRF:A020505 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C206564 Device Provides Uninformative Message The device provides a message which is unhelpful or uninformative. Device Provides Uninformative Message 4082 The device provides a message which is unhelpful or uninformative, such as an error code without further information about the meaning or appropriate action to take. If the message does not make sense then use A2206 - Device Provides Unintelligible Message. IMDRF:A2205 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C206565 Device Provides Unintelligible Message The device provides an unintelligible or incomprehensible message such as an apparently random string of characters. Device Provides Unintelligible Message 4083 The device provides an unintelligible or incomprehensible message such as an apparently random string of characters. If the message makes sense but is not helpful then use A2205 - Device Provides Uninformative Message. IMDRF:A2206 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C206566 Device Label Look-Alike Problem associated with medical device label that looks similar to another product labeling. Device label look-alike 4081 Problem associated with medical device label that looks similar to another product leading to confusion. The other product may be another device or a different product such as a medicine or cleaning agent. Use A020505 for Device packaging look-alike. IMDRF:A210107 A C54451 Medical Device Problem C50797 Valvular Regurgitation Regurgitation of the blood of the heart valves owning to imperfect closing, insufficiency or incompetency of the valves. Unspecified Valve Regurgitation 4080 Problem associated with the escape or backward flow of blood relative to a valve where it is not specified or not confirmed whether the leak is transvalvular/intravalvular or paravalvular/perivalvular. IMDRF:A050409 A C54577 Medical Device Component C206557 Fixation Tines Projections designed to fix a device inside an anatomic space. Fixation Tines 4781 Projections designed to fix a device inside a cavity of the human body IMDRF:G0400501 A C54577 Medical Device Component C206676 Fixation Helix A coil designed for fixing or anchoring a device in human tissue. Fixation Helix 567 A coil designed for fixing or anchoring a device in human tissue. IMDRF:G0403001 A C91801 Cause Investigation - Investigation Findings C206561 Device Misadjustment/Misalignment Identified Problems caused by incorrect adjustment/alignment of device components. Misadjustment/misalignment identified 4257 Problems caused by incorrect adjustment of device components. IMDRF:C1701 A C91802 Cause Investigation - Investigation Conclusion C206571 Unable to Exclude Device Problem The investigation findings do not clearly confirm the presence or absence of the reported problem with the device. Unable to exclude device problem 4322 The investigation findings do not clearly confirm the presence or absence of the reported problem with the device. IMDRF:D1401 A C91802 Cause Investigation - Investigation Conclusion C206572 Device Problem Excluded The investigation findings clearly confirm that there was no problem with the device. Device problem excluded 4323 The investigation findings clearly confirm that there was no problem with the device. IMDRF:D1402 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C61043 Voice Alteration Change in the sound and/or speed of the voice. Causes include laryngeal polyp, laryngitis, laryngeal carcinoma, throat carcinoma, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyroidism, oral surgery, tracheostomy, tracheal injury, and laryngeal injury. Voice alteration 4906 Changes in the pitch or quality of the voice, which may sound weak, scratchy, raspy, or otherwise out of the ordinary. IMDRF:E2344 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C75570 Graft Failure Failure of transplanted tissue to become functional or operational, often as a result of destruction by the host's immune system. Graft failure 4905 Failure of a transplanted graft. IMDRF:E2130 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C206541 Problem Identified Before Clinical Use/Exposure The adverse event occurred during or immediately prior to a clinical procedure, but the problem was identified and corrected before harm could be caused. Problem identified before clinical use/exposure 4656 The adverse event occurred during or immediately prior to a clinical procedure, but the problem was identified and corrected before harm could be caused. E.g.1. an IVD gave a false reading but it was recognized as incorrect before treatment decisions were made and without any clinically significant delay to diagnosis;E.g.2. a surgical device malfunctioned during pre-use checks and the malfunction was corrected or an alternative device was available without any clinically significant delay to the procedure. IMDRF:F2601 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C206543 Accidental Substance Exposure Unintended exposure to a substance. Accidental Exposure to substance 4654 Unintended exposure of the patient and/or healthcare providers to drugs or other substances. This can include any exposure routes such as skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory. IMDRF:F1008 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C206555 Non-Surgical Treatment under Anesthesia Patient required non-surgical treatment under anesthesia. Medical treatment under anaesthesia 4655 Patient required non-surgical treatment under anaesthesia. IMDRF:F2308 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C206569 Death Not Related to Adverse Event A death has occurred, but it was confirmed that the event did not contribute to the death. Death not related to reported adverse event 4657 A death has occurred, but it was confirmed that the event did not contribute to the death. Other terms may also be selected if it is possible to link the adverse event to other identifiable health impacts. IMDRF:F29 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C206675 Problem Identified during Non-Clinical Procedure An adverse event occurred while a device was being used in a non-clinical setting and/or procedure and could not have any impact on a patient. Problem identified during non-clinical procedure 2645 The adverse event occurred while the device was being used in a non-clinical setting and/or procedure and could not have any impact on a patient. E.g.1. an IVD gave a false reading when testing an External Quality Assessment (EQA) sample; E.g.2. a surgical device malfunctioned during cleaning and/or maintenance. IMDRF:F27 A C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C50421 Surgical Procedure Stopped Termination of a surgical intervention. Cancelled/Aborted surgical procedure 2563 Surgical procedure aborted, or unable to be completed. This applies to cases where there is no information whether the procedure will be carried out at a later time, or where it is known that surgery will not go ahead. If it is known that the procedure has been, or will be, carried out later then use F1909 - Surgical Procedure Delayed IMDRF:F1910 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C118422 Compartment Syndrome Elevated pressure in a confined space enclosed by fascia or eschar, which may lead to vascular compromise and subsequent ischemic injury to the tissue within the space. Compartment syndrome 4888 Condition in which a closed muscle compartment's pressure increases to such an extent that the circulation is diminished, e.g. due to decrease in a compartment volume or an increase in the contents of a compartment, or both. IMDRF:E1644 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C121573 Crepitus Air trapped in the subcutaneous space. It can be palpated or heard as a crackling or grating sensation under the skin. Crepitus 4893 Grating sound or sensation produced by friction between e.g. bone, cartilage, fractured parts of a bone. IMDRF:E1649 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C148023 Sleep-Disordered Breathing A group of breathing disorders characterized by abnormal respiratory patterns or insufficient ventilation during sleep. Breathing-related sleep disorder 4875 Clinical spectrum with frequent episodes of either complete or partial obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. Includes sleep apnea. Also known as Sleep disordered breathing (SDB). IMDRF:E0757 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206535 Abnormal Mucus Discharge Any deviation from the normal quantity, consistency, and/or color of mucus produced by the mucous membranes. Abnormal mucus discharge 4910 Any deviation from the normal quantity, consistency, and/or color of mucus produced by the mucous membranes. IMDRF:E2348 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206536 Bone Notch An indentation at the edge of the bone without bone breakage. Bone Notching 4890 An indentation made at the edge of the bone without bone breakage. IMDRF:E1646 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206537 Joint Locking Joint is unable to move freely. Joint locking 2672 Joint is blocked or becomes stuck. For Pseudo-locking use E1616 - Loss of Range of Motion. IMDRF:E161605 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206538 Loss of Fracture Reduction Loss of anatomical alignment after fracture reduction. Loss of fracture reduction 4901 Loss of anatomical alignment after fracture reduction. IMDRF:E2126 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206539 Aseptic Loosening Failure of the fixation of a prosthetic component in the absence of infection. Aseptic loosening 4883 Failure of the fixation of a prosthetic component in the absence of infection. IMDRF:E161201 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206540 Prosthesis Septic Loosening Failure of the fixation of a prosthetic component in the presence of infection. Septic loosening 4884 Failure of the fixation of a prosthetic component in the presence of infection. IMDRF:E161202 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206542 Abnormal Peritoneal Effluent A change in the appearance characteristics of peritoneal dialysis effluent. Peritoneal effluent abnormal 4904 A change in the appearance or other characteristics of peritoneal dialysis effluent (e.g. cloudy or discolored). IMDRF:E2129 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206544 Tendinopathy A disorder of the tendons with signs/symptoms of pain, diffuse or localized swelling and impaired performance. Tendinopathy 4887 Overuse tendon injuries characterized by a combination of pain, diffuse or localized swelling, and impaired performance. Problems include tendonitis/tendinitis and tendinosis, as well as tendon tears and inflammation of membranes around a tendon IMDRF:E1643 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206545 Fat Embolism The blockage of a blood vessel by fat particles in the circulation. Fat embolism 4869 The blockage of a blood vessel by fat particles in the circulation. IMDRF:E050305 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206546 Bladder Dysfunction Impaired or abnormal functioning of the bladder. Bladder Dysfunction 4881 Impaired or abnormal functioning of the bladder, including sphincters. IMDRF:E1316 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206547 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Condition where a person experiences persistent severe and debilitating pain, involving an extremity or other body region, hyperesthesia, and localized autonomic dysfunction following injury to soft tissue or nerve. Complex regional pain syndrome 4899 Condition where a person experiences persistent severe and debilitating pain, involving an extremity or other body region, hyperesthesia, and localized autonomic dysfunction following injury to soft tissue or nerve IMDRF:E2125 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206548 Periprosthetic Fracture Fractures around joint replacement prosthetics or implants. Periprosthetic fracture 4902 Fractures around joint replacement prosthetics or implants. These can occur intraoperatively or postoperatively. IMDRF:E2127 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206549 Choroidal Detachment A detachment of the choroid from the sclera often due to the accumulation of fluid (blood for hemorrhagic, other fluids for serous detachment) in the suprachoroidal space. Choroidal detachment 4877 A detachment of the choroid from the underlying sclera often due to the accumulation of fluid (blood for hemorrhagic, other fluids for serous detachment) in the suprachoroidal space IMDRF:E0858 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206550 Choroidal Effusion Fluid accumulation in the suprachoroidal space. Choroidal effusion 4878 Fluid accumulation in the suprachoroidal space, can lead to detachment IMDRF:E0859 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206551 Coronary Obstruction/Occlusion Partial or total occlusion or obstruction of the coronary ostia or artery. Coronary obstruction/occlusion 4871 Partial or total occlusion or obstruction of the coronary ostia or artery. IMDRF:E0521 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206552 Hemarthrosis Bleeding into a joint. Hemarthrosis 4889 Bleeding into the joints IMDRF:E1645 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206553 Arthrofibrosis Fibrotic joint disorder characterized by excessive collagen production and adhesions that result in restricted joint motion and pain. Arthrofibrosis 4885 Fibrotic joint disorder characterized by excessive collagen production and adhesions that result in restricted joint motion and pain. IMDRF:E161604 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206554 Unusual Breath Odor A breath odor that is not normal for the individual. Breath odor 4909 Unusual breath odor (e.g., halitosis, fruity/sweet breath) IMDRF:E2347 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206556 Heat-Related Illness A set of symptoms brought on by exposure to heat that can include confusion, hot dry skin, seizures, elevated body temperature, altered mental status. Heat illness 4907 A set of symptoms brought on by exposure to heat that can include confusion, hot dry skin, seizures, elevated body temperature, altered mental status, etc. Includes heat stroke and heat exhaustion. IMDRF:E2345 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206558 Dura Mater Tear Injury to the dura mater, with or without damage to any other layer of the meninges. Dural Tear 1417 Injury to the dura mater, with or without damage to any other layer of the meninges. IMDRF:E0144 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206559 Non-Skin Tissue Irritation Irritation of body tissue(s), other than skin. Tissue Irritation 4912 Irritation of body tissue(s), other than skin. For skin irritation use E1720 - Skin Inflammation/Irritation IMDRF:E2350 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206560 Upper Respiratory Tract Irritation Irritation and swelling of the upper airways. Upper Respiratory Tract Irritation 4872 Irritation and swelling of the upper airways IMDRF:E0754 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206567 Implant Site Sclerosis Pathological process consisting of hardening/thickening of tissue or structures at the site of an implant. Implant site sclerosis 4903 Pathological process consisting of hardening/thickening of tissue or structures. IMDRF:E2128 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206568 Acetabular Protrusion Acetabular defect with a shift of the femoral head through the pelvis. Acetabular protrusion 4892 Acetabular defect with a shift of the femoral head through the pelvic bone. IMDRF:E1648 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206570 Perineal Injury Traumatic damage and/or injury to the perineum. Perineal injury 4898 Traumatic damage and/or injury to the perineum. IMDRF:E2016 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206672 Wheezing/Stridor A high pitched breathing sound that results from restricted airways. Wheezing 4463 A symptom and finding during physical examination, characterized by high-pitched, whistling sound during breathing. It results from narrowing or obstruction of the respiratory airways. Also known as stridor. IMDRF:E0751 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C206674 Extraskeletal Ossification The formation of bone or of a bony substance outside the normal skeleton. Extraskeletal ossification 1428 The formation of bone or of a bony substance outside the normal skeleton. Includes ectopic or heterotopic ossification, myositis ossificans. IMDRF:E1626 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C26723 Colitis Inflammation of the colon. Colitis 4879 Inflammation of the large intestine IMDRF:E1036 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C26796 Hydronephrosis Dilation of the urinary collecting space in the kidney. Hydronephrosis 4880 A condition of excess urine accumulation in kidney(s) that causes swelling of kidneys. IMDRF:E1315 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C26912 Vasculitis An inflammatory process involving the wall of the vessels (large, medium, or small-sized vessels). The inflammatory process may cause necrosis or formation of granulomas in the vascular wall. It may be the result of an autoimmune disorder, infection, or malignancy. Representative examples include polyarteritis nodosa, temporal arteritis, Wegener granulomatosis, Kawasaki disease, Takayasu arteritis, and Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Vasculitis 2004 IMDRF:E0512 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C27549 Reactive Cutaneous Fibrous Lesion A benign, epidermal skin lesion characterized by overexpression of collagen during wound healing. Abnormal scarring 4896 Excessive or unusual scarring related to impaired wound healing (e.g. Keloid or Hypertrophic scar) IMDRF:E171501 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C3029 Exostosis Non-neoplastic overgrowth of bone. Exostosis (bone) 4891 Benign hypertrophy that projects outward from the surface of bone, often containing a cartilaginous component, such as bone spurs/osteophytes. IMDRF:E1647 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C34986 Rhinitis An inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose, usually associated with nasal discharge. Rhinitis 4876 Pattern of symptoms as a result of nasal inflammation and/or dysfunction of the nasal mucosa. There are various subtypes, such as allergic, infectious and non-allergic (e.g. atrophic) rhinitis. IMDRF:E0758 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C35046 Substance Withdrawal Syndrome A substance-specific organic brain syndrome that follows the discontinuation of administration or use, or reduction in intake of an addictive substance, e.g. opioids, barbiturates and alcohol; amphetamines or similarly acting sympathomimetics; cocaine; nicotine; sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics. Syndrome manifests with diverse, often painful physical and psychological symptoms, which include but not limited to intense drug craving, anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea, perspiration, body aches, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Withdrawal Syndrome 4911 The substance-specific organic brain syndrome that follows the discontinuation of, or reduction in, administration or intake of an addictive substance. IMDRF:E2349 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C35245 Injury to Kidney Trauma to the kidney. Kidney injury 4882 Traumatic damage to the kidney(s). IMDRF:E1317 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C35760 Arthropathy Any disorder of the joints. Arthropathy 4894 Diseases and disorders of a joint (e.g. Rotator cuff arthropathy, cuff tear arthropathy (CTA)) More specific codes and terms should be used where they exist e.g. E1602 - Arthritis IMDRF:E1650 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C41830 Back Pain Painful sensation in the back region. Back pain 4895 Pain in any part of the back. IMDRF:E1651 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50461 Aortic Dissection A progressive tear in the tissue lining the aorta, characterized by the passage of blood from the tunica intima into, and partially through, the tunica media. Aortic dissection 4870 Spontaneous or induced tear within the wall of the aorta IMDRF:E051501 A C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C3124 Hypertrophy Abnormal enlargement of a body part or organ. Hypertrophy 4908 An increase in organ size via increase in cell size rather than cell number IMDRF:E2346 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C187251 Intravalvular Regurgitation Problem associated with the escape or backward flow of blood through or across the valve. Intravalvular Regurgitation 4068 Problem associated with the escape or backward flow of blood through or across the valve. Also known as transvalvular regurgitation. IMDRF:A050406 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C171950 Cardiovascular Dysfunction/Insufficiency Circulatory dysfunction and/or insufficiency due to a decrease in the force of the cardiac contractions and/or the tone of the vascular walls. Cardiovascular Dysfunction/Insufficiency 4445 Circulatory dysfunction/insufficiency due to a decrease in the force of the cardiac contractions and/or the tone of the vascular walls. Includes diastolic and systolic dysfunction. IMDRF:E0607 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50487 Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage The loss of cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage 1772 The loss of cerebrospinal fluid into the surrounding tissues or outside the body. IMDRF:E0106 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50601 Impaired Healing Improper body tissue repair due to factors affecting one or more of the phases of wound healing. Impaired Healing 2378 Improper repair of any body tissue due to factors affecting one or more of the phases of wound healing. Includes impaired healing of any body tissue. IMDRF:E1707 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C63194 Loss of or Failure to Bond Problem associated with lack or loss of adherence between materials intended to be joined together by bonding. Loss of or Failure to Bond 1068 Problem associated with lack or loss of adherence between materials intended to be joined together by any bonding such as an adhesive, heat welding, etc. IMDRF:A040102 C C91802 Cause Investigation - Investigation Conclusion C91894 No Problem Detected Problem not confirmed or confirmation of no problem. No Problem Detected 67 Either it was not confirmed that there was a problem with the device, or it was confirmed that there was no problem with the device. IMDRF:D14 C C91802 Cause Investigation - Investigation Conclusion C92099 Quality Control Deficiency Problems traced to the failure to maintain or establish techniques for controlling and verifying the product specifications identified by the manufacturer. Includes inadequacy of components or raw materials supplied to the manufacturer. Quality Control Deficiency 143 Problems traced to the failure to maintain or establish techniques for controlling and verifying the product specifications identified by the manufacturer. Includes inadequacy of components or raw materials supplied to the manufacturer. IMDRF:D0302 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50417 Failure To Anastomose Failure of a surgically-induced connection between tubular structures in the body. Failure to Anastomose 1028 Failure of a surgically-induced connection between tubular structures in the body. Includes Anastomotic Leakage. IMDRF:E2108 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C63147 False Positive Result Problem associated with the device incorrectly reporting that something has been detected and may mislead the operator to take certain actions. False Positive Result 1227 Problem associated with the device incorrectly reporting that something has been detected and may mislead the operator/user/HCP to take certain actions. IMDRF:A090804 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C63149 False Negative Result Problem associated with the device incorrectly reporting that something has not been detected and may mislead the operator into not taking certain actions when action should be taken. False Negative Result 1225 Problem associated with the device incorrectly reporting that something has not been detected and may mislead the operator/user/HCP into not taking certain actions when action should be taken. IMDRF:A090803 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C78253 Depressed Level Of Consciousness A neurologic state characterized by decreased ability to perceive and respond. Decreased Level of Consciousness 4591 A neurological state characterised by decreased ability to perceive and respond. IMDRF:E014302 C C171094 Health Effects - Health Impact C171956 Change in Therapeutic Response Change in response to treatment or cure of a disease. Change in Therapeutic Response 4601 Change in response to treatment or cure of a disorder or disease. IMDRF:F01 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50552 Epiphora Excessive tearing of the eyes due to either tear overproduction or impaired drainage of the tear ducts. Causes of tear overproduction include eye irritation (e.g., eye infection, foreign body in the eye), headache, pain reaction, allergies, sinusitis, and injury to the eye. Excessive Tear Production 2235 Profuse lacrimation. IMDRF:E0817 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C187253 Failure to Seal Problem associated with the device failing to seal the intended vessel with the device intended to provide a seal. Failure to Seal 4070 Problem associated with the device failing to seal the intended vessel with the device intended to provide a seal (e.g. electrosurgical hemostasis). IMDRF:A050705 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C26769 Facial Nerve Paralysis Partial or complete paralysis of the facial muscles of one side of a person's face. It is caused by damage to the seventh cranial nerve. It is usually temporary but it may recur. Facial Paralysis 4585 A partial or complete loss of function of one or more of the facial muscles resulting in paralysis of the facial regions. Includes both central and peripheral facial paralysis or palsy. IMDRF:E012209 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C34851 Increased Non-Protein Nitrogen A laboratory test result indicating abnormally high concentration of non-protein nitrogen in the blood. Uremia 2188 Abnormally high concentration of non-protein nitrogen in the blood. IMDRF:E1306 C C54450 Health Effects - Clinical Signs and Symptoms or Conditions C50841 Laceration of Esophagus A torn, ragged, mangled wound, or an accidental cut of esophagus. Laceration(s) of Esophagus 2398 A torn, ragged, mangled wound, or an accidental cut of esophagus. IMDRF:E1018 C C54451 Medical Device Problem C63209 Environmental Compatibility Problem Problem associated with the surrounding conditions in which the device is being used such as temperature, noise, lighting, ventilation, or other external factors such as power supply. Environmental Compatibility Problem 2929 Problem associated with the surrounding conditions in which the device is being used such as temperature, noise, lighting, ventilation, or other external factors such as power supply. IMDRF:A19