C FDA C54450 Patient Problem Codes FDA CDRH C50460 1703 SHOCK, ANAPHYLACTIC ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK|ANAPHYLAXIS Systemic anaphylaxis is the most dramatic example of an immediate hypersensitivity reaction; is uncommon and unexpected in nature and occasionally results in a fatal outcome. Progression of anaphylaxis into systemic shock, which is characterized by significant reduction in tissue perfusion which leads to hypoxia and hypotension, and can lead to death if untreated. C35016 2072 SHOCK C FDA C54450 Patient Problem Codes FDA CDRH C50779 2107 TORSADES-DE-POINTES Fringe of pointed tips; An atypical rapid ventricular tachycardia with periodic waxing and waning of amplitude of the QRS complexes on the electrogram as well as rotation of the complexes about the isoelectric line. An electrocardiographic finding of an atypical rapid polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with a characteristic rotation of the QRS complex around the isoelectric baseline, occurring in the setting of a prolonged QT interval. In addition, the QRS complex displays a periodic waxing and waning of amplitude on the electrogram. (CDISC) C50802 2132 VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA C FDA C54450 Patient Problem Codes FDA CDRH C50799 2130 VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION FIBRILLATION, VENTRICULAR Arrhythmia characterized by fibrillary contractions of the ventricular muscle due to rapid repetitive excitation of myocardial fibers without coordinated contraction of the ventricle. An electrocardiographic finding of a rapid grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with marked variability in QRS cycle length, morphology, and amplitude. The rate is typically greater than 300 bpm. (CDISC) C54027 2688 PATIENT PROBLEM/MEDICAL PROBLEM C FDA C54450 Patient Problem Codes FDA CDRH C50802 2132 VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA An abnormally rapid ventricular rhythm with aberrant ventricular excitation, usually in excess of 150 beats per minute. An electrocardiographic finding of three or more consecutive complexes of ventricular organ with a rate greater than a certain threshold (100 or 120 beats per minute are commonly used). The QRS complexes are wide and have an abnormal morphology. (CDISC) C54027 2688 PATIENT PROBLEM/MEDICAL PROBLEM