A C150107 EDQM-HC Routes and Methods of Administration Terminology C211553 Intradetrusorial Route of Administration Intradetrusorial use 20090000 Injection of a medicinal product into the detrusor muscle of the bladder. Injection of a medicinal product into the detrusor muscle of the bladder. A C150105 EDQM-HC Combined Term Terminology C211552 Prolonged-Release Solution for Injection in Pre-filled Pen Dosage Form Prolonged-release solution for injection in pre-filled pen 13194000 Medicinal product consisting of a prolonged-release solution for injection presented in a pre-filled pen. Medicinal product consisting of a prolonged-release solution for injection presented in a pre-filled pen. A C150105 EDQM-HC Combined Term Terminology C211550 Film-coated Granules in Sachet Dosage Form Film-coated granules in sachet 13195000 Medicinal product consisting of film-coated granules presented in a sachet. Medicinal product consisting of film-coated granules presented in a sachet. A C148636 EDQM Health Care Terminology C211550 Film-coated Granules in Sachet Dosage Form Film-coated granules in sachet 13195000 Medicinal product consisting of film-coated granules presented in a sachet. Medicinal product consisting of film-coated granules presented in a sachet. A C148636 EDQM Health Care Terminology C211552 Prolonged-Release Solution for Injection in Pre-filled Pen Dosage Form Prolonged-release solution for injection in pre-filled pen 13194000 Medicinal product consisting of a prolonged-release solution for injection presented in a pre-filled pen. Medicinal product consisting of a prolonged-release solution for injection presented in a pre-filled pen. A C148636 EDQM Health Care Terminology C211553 Intradetrusorial Route of Administration Intradetrusorial use 20090000 Injection of a medicinal product into the detrusor muscle of the bladder. Injection of a medicinal product into the detrusor muscle of the bladder.