C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C13202 Chromosome A structure found in cells that is comprised of a strand of linearized double-stranded DNA plus proteins that package the DNA in a condensed coil form and regulate chromosomal function. chromosome C13204 || C13205 || C13206 || C13207 || C13208 || C13209 || C13210 || C13211 || C13212 || C13213 || C13214 || C13215 || C13216 || C13217 || C13218 || C13219 || C13220 || C13221 || C13222 || C13223 || C13224 || C13225 || C13285 || C13286 chr1 || chr10 || chr11 || chr12 || chr13 || chr14 || chr15 || chr16 || chr17 || chr18 || chr19 || chr2 || chr20 || chr21 || chr22 || chr3 || chr4 || chr5 || chr6 || chr7 || chr8 || chr9 || chrX || chrY C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C171252 Electronic File Format The structure of the information in an electronic file. file_format file format Format C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C43622 Experimental Method The use of controlled observations and measurements to test hypotheses. experimental_method experimental method C101294 || C101295 || C106049 || C106052 || C106054 || C124261 || C130177 || C156056 || C156057 || C172845 || C172858 || C172859 WGS (whole genome sequencing) || WXS (whole exome sequencing) || ChIP-Seq (chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation) || DNase-Hypersensitivity (sequencing of hypersensitive sites or segments of open chromatin that are more readily cleaved by DNaseI) || Bisulfite-Seq (sequencing following treatment of DNA with bisulfite to convert cytosine residues to uracil) || RNA-seq (transcriptome sequencing) || Targeted NGS (sequencing of selected regions of the genome either via targeted capture or amplification) || ATAC-seq (assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC) strategy is used to study genome-wide chromatin accessibility) || miRNA-Seq (microRNA sequencing) || ChIA-PET (Direct sequencing of proximity-ligated chromatin immunoprecipitates). || ncRNA-Seq (sequencing of non-coding RNA) || ssRNA-seq (strand-specific RNA sequencing) C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C17357 Gender Characteristics of people that are socially constructed, including norms, behaviors, and roles based on sex. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time. (Adapted from WHO.) IMPORTANT NOTICE: The NCI Thesaurus contains biomedical terminologies that NCI does not own or control. This concept contains gender-related content that does not comply with Executive Order 14168. gender Gender C16576 || C17998 || C20197 FEMALE || UNKNOWN || MALE C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C171277 Nucleic Acid Concentration Measurement The measured concentration of nucleic acid in a sample. nucleic_acid_concentration nucleic acid concentration C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C127797 PubMed Unique Identifier A globally unique identifier for a biomedical article, as assigned by PubMed. pubmed_id pubmed id PubMed ID C C173072 CTDC Property Terminology C164815 Reference Genome Assembly Version The source-specific version of the published genome assembly. reference_genome reference genome C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C41259 American Indian or Alaska Native Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of North, Central, and South America, including, for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native Village of Marrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, Aztec, and Maya. AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C41260 Asian Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Central or East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia including, for example, Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese. ASIAN C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C16352 Black or African American Individuals with origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa, including, for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian. and Somali. BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C12366 Bone The structural organ comprised of specialized connective tissue that forms the skeletal components of the body. Bone C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C41449 Epidural Spinal Space Space between the dura mater and the walls of the vertebral canal. Epidural C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C16576 Female An individual who belongs to the sex that normally produces ova. FEMALE C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C17459 Hispanic or Latino Includes individuals of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Dominican, Guatemalan, and other Central or South American or Spanish culture or origin. HISPANIC_OR_LATINO HISPANIC OR LATINO C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13204 Human Chromosome 1 The designation for each member of the largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 1 spans about 247 million nucleotide base pairs and represents about 8% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr1 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13205 Human Chromosome 10 The designation for each member of the tenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 10 spans about 135 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr10 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13206 Human Chromosome 11 The designation for each member of the eleventh largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 11 spans about 134.5 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr11 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13207 Human Chromosome 12 The designation for each member of the twelfth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 12 spans about 143 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr12 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13208 Human Chromosome 13 The designation for each member of the thirteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 13 spans about 113 million base pairs and represents between 3.5 and 4% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr13 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13209 Human Chromosome 14 The designation for each member of the fourteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 14 spans about 105 million base pairs and represents between 3 and 3.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr14 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13210 Human Chromosome 15 The designation for each member of the fifteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 15 spans about 106 million base pairs and represents between 3 and 3.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr15 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13211 Human Chromosome 16 The designation for each member of the sixteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 16 spans about 90 million base pairs and represents just under 3% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr16 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13212 Human Chromosome 17 The designation for each member of the seventeenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 17 spans more than 81 million base pairs and represents between 2.5 and 3% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr17 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13213 Human Chromosome 18 The designation for each member of the eighteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 18 spans about 76 million base pairs and represents about 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr18 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13214 Human Chromosome 19 The designation for each member of the nineteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 19 spans more than 63 million base pairs and represents between 2 and 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr19 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13215 Human Chromosome 2 The designation for each member of the second largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 2 spans more than 237 million base pairs and represents almost 8% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr2 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13216 Human Chromosome 20 The designation for each member of the third smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 20 spans around 63 million base pairs and represents between 2 and 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr20 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13217 Human Chromosome 21 The designation for each member of the second smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 21 spans around 47 million nucleotides and represents about 1.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr21 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13218 Human Chromosome 22 The designation for each member of the smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 22 spans about 49 million base pairs and represents between 1.5 and 2% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr22 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13219 Human Chromosome 3 The designation for each member of the third largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 3 spans almost 200 million base pairs and represents about 6.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr3 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13220 Human Chromosome 4 The designation for each member of the fourth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 4 spans more than 186 million base pairs and represents between 6 and 6.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr4 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13221 Human Chromosome 5 The designation for each member of the fifth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 5 spans about 181 million base pairs and represents almost 6% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr5 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13222 Human Chromosome 6 The designation for each member of the sixth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 6 spans more than 170 million base pairs and represents between 5.5 and 6% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr6 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13223 Human Chromosome 7 The designation for each member of the seventh largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 7 spans more than 158 million base pairs and represents between 5 and 5.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr7 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13224 Human Chromosome 8 The designation for each member of the eighth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 8 spans about 145 million base pairs and represents between 4.5 and 5.0% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr8 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13225 Human Chromosome 9 The designation for each member of the ninth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 9 spans about 145 million base pairs of nucleic acids and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells. chr9 C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13285 Human Chromosome X The larger of the two human sex chromosomes. It is usually present singly in males and doubly in females. chrX C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13286 Human Chromosome Y The smaller of the two human sex chromosome. Its presence usually determines the development of a fetus as male, while its absence usually determines the development of a fetus as female. chrY C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C20197 Male An individual who belongs to the sex that normally produces sperm. MALE C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C41219 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands, including, for example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, and Marshallese. NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C13400 Other Anatomic Site An atomic site other than those already listed. Other C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C18213 Stable Disease A disease that is neither decreasing nor increasing in extent or severity. Stable disease C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C12391 Stomach The primary organ of food digestion. It is located under the diaphragm, between the liver and the spleen as well as between the esophagus and the small intestine. Stomach C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C12233 Submandibular Salivary Gland One of a pair of major salivary glands located below the floor of the mouth. Submandibular C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C18009 Tumor Tissue Sample Tissue sample that contains an abnormal cellular infiltrate forming a solid mass. The abnormal cellular component can be benign or malignant. Tumor samples are obtained for microscopic examination and/or molecular analysis. Tumor C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C41261 White Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, including for example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, and Scottish. WHITE C C173073 CTDC Value Terminology C124261 Whole Transcriptome Sequencing A procedure that can determine the nucleotide sequence for all of the RNA transcripts in an individual. RNA-seq (transcriptome sequencing)