CTCAE 4 Revisions 10/6/2009 This file lists minor revisions to the base 4.0 data files released 5/29/2009. Revised data files are initially labeled with "rev1" ... at the end of their filenames, and for rev1 only Excel revised files were produced; other formats are produced if there is demand and time to do so. The rev2 version led to a consolidated set of 4.01 release files. The Archive directory stores release files prior to the current release. Release 4.02 (rev. 4) - 10/06/2009 This update corrects technical errors mostly limited to some 20 AE term definitions in the Excel file version. Two additional errors affecting two AE term definitions in all versions were corrected in the new OWL and Excel files: Left ventricular systolic dysfunction added space between words "may include" Hirsutism added period to end of definition Release 4.02 (rev. 3) - 9/15/2009 77 AE Grades had minor fixes, none affecting meaning. 4 terms had fixes to definition text Remaining changes were to case, space and punctuation. Release 4.01 (rev. 2) - 7/14/2009 1 AE term definition added, 2 fixed, extra spaces removed: Grade 2 Hypoglycemia Missing definition added. Grade 1 Chronic Kidney Disease Missing "LLN - " added after "<" in middle of definition. Grade 4 Ejection fraction decreased Initial blank space removed from start of definition. 46 AE Grades marked as inapplicable ("-") Initial blank space(s) removed from before the "-" indicator. Revision 1 - 6/22/2009 MedDRA codes corrected for 2 AE terms: 10019663 Hepatic failure 10050528 Ejection fraction decreased