July 22, 2010 This directory contains data files and documentation for controlled terminology used by the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) to support Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) Implementation Guide Version 3.1.2 (IG 3.1.2). It represents all SDTM controlled terminology developed and in production to date, comprising SDTM Packages 1, 2A & 2B, 3 and 4 and Labtest packages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Additional Labtest and Microorganism terminology will be developed on an ongoing basis. Other future additions to the v3.1.2 terminology set will be handled via the terminology change request and maintenance process. The May 1, 2009 release brought changes to the SDTM data files -- notably, dropping columns J & K -- as noted in the ReadMe file and Excel tab. A new pair of change description files provide detailed descriptions of all terminology changes, including change request tracking numbers and release dates. The March 8, 2010 release brought changes to the SDTM data files -- notably, the addition of a controlled terminology subset of SDTM terminology corresponding to the Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Standard 1.0 (CDASH STD 1.0) Appendix A, a listing of commonly used CDISC controlled terminology within the CDASH standard. Contents: Archive (directory for earlier file versions) ReadMe.txt (this file) SDTM Terminology.xls terms by codelist, Excel format SDTM Terminology.txt terms by codelist, text format (omits column 'K: Notes') SDTM Terminology Changes.xls detailed description of term changes (Excel) SDTM Terminology Changes.txt detailed description of term changes (text) (same as "Changes" tab in Excel file) SDTM CDISC ReadMe.doc Copy of Excel ReadMe tab in Word format CDASH CDISC ReadME.doc ReadMe tab in CDASH terminology file, doc format CDASH Terminology.txt terms by codelist, text format CDASH Terminology.xls terms by codelist, Excel format Background: SDTM is an international standard for clinical research data, and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a standard electronic submission format. CDISC and NCI work together to develop and maintain SDTM controlled terminology, which is also integrated and distributed as part of NCI Thesaurus (NCIt). Further information is available at: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/CDISC