Code Codelist Code Codelist Extensible (Yes/No) Codelist Name CDISC ADaM Submission Value CDISC ADaM Preferred Term CDISC Synonym(s) CDISC Definition NCI Preferred Term C81225 No Parameter Type PARAMTYP PARAMTYP Parameter Type Parameter Type: Indicates whether the parameter is derived as a function of one or more other parameters. CDISC ADaM Parameter Type Terminology C81197 C81225 Parameter Type DERIVED DERIVED Derived: Indicates that a parameter is derived as a function of one or more other parameters. Derived Flag C81223 No Date Imputation Flag DATEFL DATEFL Date Imputation Flag Date Imputation Flag: Indicates the level of imputation reflected in a date value. CDISC ADaM Date Imputation Flag Terminology C81210 C81223 Date Imputation Flag Y Y Year Imputed: Entire date (year, month and day) is imputed. Year Month Day Imputed C81211 C81223 Date Imputation Flag M M Month Imputed: Month and day are imputed. Month Day Imputed C81212 C81223 Date Imputation Flag D D Day Imputed: Day is imputed. Day Imputed C81226 No Time Imputation Flag TIMEFL TIMEFL Time Imputation Flag Time Imputation Flag: Indicates the level of imputation reflected in a time value. CDISC ADaM Time Imputation Flag Terminology C81214 C81226 Time Imputation Flag M M Minutes Imputed: Minutes and seconds are imputed. Minutes Seconds Imputed C81215 C81226 Time Imputation Flag S S Seconds Imputed: Seconds are imputed. Seconds Imputed C81213 C81226 Time Imputation Flag H H Hours Imputed: Entire time (hours, minutes and seconds) is imputed. Hours Minutes Seconds Imputed C81224 Yes Derivation Type DTYPE DTYPE Derivation Type Derivation Type: Analysis value derivation method. CDISC ADaM Derivation Type Terminology C53331 C81224 Derivation Type ML ML Maximum Likelihood: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with estimates that maximize the probability of observing what has in fact been observed. Maximum Likelihood Estimation C81198 C81224 Derivation Type LOCF LOCF Last Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's previous nonmissing value. Last Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique C81199 C81224 Derivation Type WOCF WOCF Worst Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's worst-case nonmissing value. Worst Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique C81200 C81224 Derivation Type SOCF SOCF Screening Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's nonmissing screening observation. Screening Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique C81201 C81224 Derivation Type BLOCF BLOCF Baseline Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's nonmissing baseline observation. Baseline Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique C81203 C81224 Derivation Type WC WC Worst Case: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the worst possible outcome. Worst Case Imputation Technique C81204 C81224 Derivation Type MOTH MOTH Mean of Other Group: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the mean value from a comparator or reference group. Mean of Other Group Imputation Technique C81205 C81224 Derivation Type POCF POCF Penultimate Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's next-to-last nonmissing value. Penultimate Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique C81206 C81224 Derivation Type WOV WOV Worst Observed Value in a Group: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the worst value observed in a group of subjects. Worst Observed Value in a Group Imputation Technique C81207 C81224 Derivation Type MOV MOV Mean Observed Value in a Group: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the mean value observed in a group of subjects. Mean Observed Value in a Group Imputation Technique C81208 C81224 Derivation Type INTERP INTERP Interpolation: A method of imputation involving a missing value that is between known values and is estimated by a function of those known values. Interpolation Imputation Technique C81209 C81224 Derivation Type AVERAGE AVERAGE Average: A data derivation technique which calculates a subject's average value over a defined set of records. Average of Value Derivation Technique C82866 C81224 Derivation Type ENDPOINT ENDPOINT Endpoint: A data derivation technique which calculates a subject's analysis end point value. Endpoint Value Derivation Technique C82867 C81224 Derivation Type MINIMUM MINIMUM Minimum: A data derivation technique which calculates a subject's minimum value over a defined set of records. Minimum Value Derivation Technique C82868 C81224 Derivation Type MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Maximum: A data derivation technique which calculates a subject's maximum value over a defined set of records. Maximum Value Derivation Technique C92225 C81224 Derivation Type BC BC Best Case: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the best possible outcome. Best Case Imputation Technique C92226 C81224 Derivation Type BOCF BOCF Best Observation Carried Forward: A data imputation technique which populates missing values with the subject's best-case nonmissing value. Best Observation Carried Forward Imputation Technique